How to create team in zwift power?

anyone knows how to do this?
i dont see create team button under teams in zwift power,


Hi,, welcome to Forums! I’m Francisco from Zwift Support.

I can see you’re excited about taking things up a notch by forming your own team on Zwiftpower! It definitely sounds like an exciting challenge is on the horizon.

All the steps to make it happen are here in this article:

ZwiftPower Teams

To create a new team, complete these steps:

  1. Go to, and if necessary, sign in.
  2. Select New Team from the top left of the page.
  3. Complete the following fields:
  • Name: Enter the desired team name
  • TAG: Enter the shorthand tag that will be used to identify the team in the results
  1. Select Create.

Update the Settings from the Team Page fields as necessary. For more info, check out this section below.

In case you haven’t connected your Zwift Account with Zwift Power, check this article: Connecting to ZwiftPower