Game Update 1.51 [October 2023]

There’s no climb in the approach to the new turnoff in the jungle on Sugar Cookie. A lap of the jungle has a long uphill drag in it. We are kind of splitting hairs here - the only important thing is to avoid the road bike. The MTB should be faster but not by much, plus it’s only a few kilometers so the penalty is very small. In a race I probably wouldn’t switch bikes because you wouldn’t recover the seconds used up in the swap.

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That occurred for me before the update - 5 seconds to load things…

I’m on 2010 Mac Pro 5,1 (X5690 Xeon), RX6600XT Radeon 8GB, Samsung SSD and 32gb ram.

It’s probably just the graphics heavy areas taking time to load on my old machine. Once it does, frame rates are fine.

It was showing up in the settings->bluetoooth connections on my phone as connected but then when I switched over to zwift, it was not coming up as an option

I had the same issue yesterday not pairing my Garmin HRM. Haven’t gotten new update yet. I simply unplugged ATV and it worked today!

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That will be why. If it’s already paired to you phone it won’t connect to Zwift, even if Zwift is on your phone. Make sure it’s not connected to your phone before starting Zwift.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Watopia Expansion [October 2023]

Ah, I noticed the graphics were much improved today. Nice work! Everything seemed pretty flawless for my first ride on the new version.

I was having my route progress bar drop before this update and now it’s no longer doing that. I did however completely remove the app from my computer and reinstall it just before my ride so that might have also been what fixed the progress bar issue.

I honestly wouldn’t bother riding a trainer if Zwift didn’t exist. So I appreciate all the work that goes into this app!


Going Coastal is the Stage 5 zRacing route, so it counts towards Tour of Watopia as well.



When is video available to ALL Mac/iOS users and please? Still never had this question answered,

Thanks for reporting this - we haven’t been able to reproduce this on our end yet, did this change occur after a game update? If you can send us any additional information about your device (GPU, CPU, etc.) that would help us troubleshoot a bit more. Thanks!

For macOS, Video Screenshots is currently available for devices with M1 (and newer) processors which generally includes Mac devices released since 2020 (you can see a specific list from Apple here, which also includes how to identify which processor your Mac has).

For iOS, Video Screenshots is currently available for devices with Apple’s A12 processor (and newer, which also includes their newer M1+ devices). A12 devices launched in 2018, starting with devices like iPhone XS, XS Max, XR, iPad Mini (5th Gen), iPad Air (3rd Gen), iPad (8th gen) and all subsequent newer generations of these devices. You can check which iOS device model you have in the iOS Settings app under General → Model Name, and if you want to look up your device’s specs, you can check out Apple’s Tech Specs page.

We’re testing and evaluating performance of Video Screenshots on earlier versions of Mac and iOS devices, but in general, the devices that don’t have this feature haven’t been able to reach sufficient performance levels to properly support the feature. We’re continuing to evaluate this and will add older generations of devices when possible.


Thank you so so much!!! 1st person to answer this in over a year of asking on this forum about this!!

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I believe it is right thing to do and say…. Congrats on new routes and well done…. :clap::clap::tada::tada::beers::beers:

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I think i know what you’re referring to. Is it in the distance as go down the straight road that turns right into the town? The road off the roundabout as you come off the KOM?

I am getting this slightly inconvenient and extremely reproducible glitch every time I try to switch worlds without exiting the game first. the game doesn’t load properly and I can’t switch cameras, or like, use the app haha. the first world loads normally, if i quit to menu and try to enter another one i get something along the lines of this

1:25 if you don’t want to watch me amusing myself with the frame rate in the menu or the strangely long load time

it also happens in other worlds - this is richmond, the screenshot was taken a day or two ago:

i don’t like to make a habit out of complaining but this is pretty rough. a crap framerate i can sort of live with, but i do a lot of swapping between worlds during my normal zwift use

as a member of several clubs, how do i choose which club i’m currently riding for? [apple tv]

Before entering an event, go to, select the Team link at the top of the page, select My Teams, and you should see a button to select a team as primary

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That has been happening for a while.

If you have HUD off the client doesn’t cache or receive as much info about other riders.

Quite often i finish a ride and all my rideons in the end screen are from N.VALID because I tend to ride HUDless.

The log files show i got rideons but with hud disabled it never records from who, if hud is on it records who from.

I suppose its a bandwidth saving thing?!

Really liking the general improvements to the visuals. Not tried the new roads yet but looking forward to doing so. I also like the better layout of the workouts but have 2 questions in relation to that:

  1. I previously liked using the pro team workouts that were previously arranged by team. Are they still there? They are not obvious although I think that I recognise 1 or 2 of them but the team names do not appear.
  2. When opening up a workout, the graph at the bottom showing the intervals only shows the watts for the maximum interval. Can we please have the watts for other intervals appear when we hover the cursor over them?