Dear Zwift, You're not listening

That’s what I’m hoping for :wink:

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Oddly enough the one place in London where they do currently have braking is about as flat as it comes.

yep that is very strange a dev decided one day to add a bit of corner braking years ago. Must of snuck it in while nobody was looking.

The problem in Races is not the pack speed but the speed of the Supertuck…if you check Zwiftinsider articles about it you can get an idea. Free Ride/Non-race supertuck should be also used for racing…it’s crazy how much faster it is…completely unrealistic.

Haven’t noticed that…where is this corner in London?

The sharp U-turn on The Mall (red road).

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… and only when making a left-hand U turn.

I’d say RGT-style ubiquitous corner braking greatly contributes to making racing (and even freeriding) more interesting, but what do I know. Of course you can still waste watts by not easing off but why would you.

Would corner braking help solo breakways vs packs? Or just have a similar effect on both?

theoretically it should break up the pack speed getting exponentially faster from people supertucking past eachother so it should help the solo rider… by how much, i don’t know.

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If it limits everyone to the same max speed on any given corner that would help a bit though it still wouldn’t represent the real concertina effect that actually handicaps people in a big bunch IRL.

Is there any limit to rider density in zwift? I suppose there must be, but it is quite a generous one.

Most Zwifters don’t even make a big deal of the fact we have Ventoux. Most focus is on Epic and Alpe. Would adding, say Stelvio, really add much? Not to me (and I have the body type and fitness to actually enjoy it if anybody does)

Ventoux needs am Alpe style rewards system for getting to the top, through in the bonus locations as well, make it a sort of XP mine.
Epic is short enough to be do-able and AdZ has the added ffeature of the hairpins to break it up.
I say all this as a non-climber who prefers flat or punchy/ rolling routes

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In real life more than in Zwift. Let’s not confuse being spectators of a bike race where big climbs bring it to life with participating in Zwift (or even IRL) where the race is limited to 2-3 people at the front and everybody else is strung out riding a TT (or IRL sitting in a gruppeto surviving)

Again for training, again IRL, sure. Great place to ride threshold intervals or do an FTP test. Constant road, no junctions, altitude blood benefits, slower speeds are safer, always something to press against to hold power. You don’t need those things to train in Zwift. I could do my intervals, or sweet spot or z2 (choose your poison) anywhere

Sure, you could gamify other climbs to get more use but that doesn’t help the argument that adding climbs for the sake of climbing is a priority

I’m with you Ian,
I think people like the idea of these climbs, but look at the continued lack of Mt Fuji.
The Bot testing by James showed there was limited uplift even with a PP on the longer climbs.
I’ve only been up AdZ 16 times in 4 years, really hate the Radio Tower climb.
I’m sure some people don’t look to where is busy or what sort of roads do Zwift invest in these days?
Even the lovely rooftop mini climb in Neokyo doesn’t do the numbers comparfed to the flatter bits.


That change was introduced along with dynamic pacing. It might be that dynamic pacing is more appealing on routes without long climbs, since on a long climb dynamic pace = sustained pace. People might like it dynamic, but not too far off the advertised (flat) pace. Also I think many people are probably put off by the slow movement of their avatar in the game on climbs - they want the scenery to be whizzing by.