Coffee Stop unavailable [1.59] [Jan 2024]

Have also had this error on the last few group rides I’ve done, coffee stop counter counts down to 0, then greyed out and unavailable for the rest of the ride.
Becomes available as soon as the group ride ends.
Have got used to using the coffee stop on long rides to stretch my back, so a fix soon would be handy!
Running Zwift on a Windows PC.

This is a known issue and zwift is working on it. I can’t link to the thread, but check in that forum.

Do you have any ETA for the coffee break fix? How can I rollback my client version to be able to do group endurance rides?

The last two group rides that I did; the coffee break did not work. The count down time worked but when it came to the time…it said unavailable.

Our 100 mile group rides are really struggling this morning. Lots of people dropping out to ride with pace partners because there’s no coffee break, so I agree on a rollback.

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It’s not a bug, it’s a “feature”. Typical Zwift Quality Assurance, a.k.a: none! Their “quality” management is abysmal. This needs to improve.

It’s clear we are all the testers in the way they do their phased rollout and miss basic stuff like this.

This is precisely why users (at least in PC environments where this is allowed), should be able to roll back a version or two.

Confirm issue on group ride today with iOS. During the ride the coffee break was unavailable, straight after the ride ended it was available again in free ride mode.

Yep… Coffee Stop permanently greyed out for me on group rides. Not tried it on any other type but could have done with it last night juggling new additions to our ZRL teams an hour before the races started :rofl:

It was not working properly, so they fixed it and got rid of it…

I used Coffee Stop in a group ride event today and it actually worked. It didn’t show up at 30 minutes, but by 42 minutes into the ride I noticed it was available. Maybe it worked because I was already complaining about it. :man_shrugging:

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Any update on a fix for this?

Coffee Break no longer working on group rides. How long before fixed?

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Will this be fixed before the saturday morning group rides? 4.5 hrs without a stop is no longer fun.

Can’t your group just agree to stop at the same time? You know, just like you’d do if you were actually out riding and having a coffee break?


please do as we need our coffee

the faster the better

Assuming it needs a game release, you’re most likely looking at sometime next week (if they have developed a fix)

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ha ha… & what about the extra miles you accumulate during break😍?

I do the BMTR rides, which are huge. The C group will make a 6 min stop at 62 miles. Sometimes that enough, but last week was downright uncomfortable for the last hour. I would rather do the B group, which never takes a break, so the coffee stop makes that doable. But when hundreds of people join the ride, its just not the same as a small group. Plus in real life you HAVE to stop to get more water. At home i have all my water next to me. Tomorrow i plan on 6 hours on the trainer. Joining my large group of friends makes that time go faster.