Big Thanks Great To See Genie On 1 Of My Favourite Routes Douce France For The Tour Be Great If Robo Pacers Were In France And London In The Future As Part Of Weekly Schedule Thanks Zwift Team
Agreed. It’s great to see the full range of Robopacers are now available to ride with on the France map.
@James_Zwift now has more babies to look after
This must be really new, because after completing one of the Climb Portals in France on Friday, I tried to Teleport, and was told there were no Robo Pacers on that map.
Looks like the babies just relocated. No RPs on Makuri at the moment.
Ah, darn it. Guessing it’s only temporary then, which is a shame because I much prefer France to Makuri.
Awesome to have the PP in France.
This seams to have sneaked under the radar…im sure this wasn’t announced anywhere
Big thanks @James_Zwift
If they stay in France permanently that would be excellent. Three robopacer alternative locations would be really nice.
As expected, majority of riders stayed in Watopia.