Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

Yes that’s absolutely fine. Stop doing the same for other people.


I’m just talking for myself as those who augment for that the rise is too high for the value.

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Just need that critical mass of riders to move. It’s not helped by there being a couple of competitors aiming to suck up the disenfranchised and splitting the vote!
I’ll be trying out IndieVelo along with a few of my clubmates, but recognise it will be quieter especially with the warmer weather finally reaching the UK. Riding outside will take precedence for me when it’s nice.

Give IndieVelo a try too. That’s were a I have settled fro now, due to the great physics and rapid development


Thank you for the recommendation.
I was hoping to try it out, but as no Apple TV support (that I could find at least) I’d have to move a computer into my training room. Apple TV just too convenient :slight_smile:

Apple TV is being worked on, in the meantime if you have an iOS device you can broadcast it to Apple TV.

Good suggestion - thank you. Will load it on my iPad & try it out that way.

I have always left my subscription running over the summer months, not now though


That is just common sense to not pay for a service when you are not using it. It must be expected from Zwift side, since you can just rejoin and continue from where you left off.

The recent XP changes don’t give me full confidence in their data crunching abilities, but I’m sure Zwift will have calculated exactly how many users keep active summer subscriptions with very low usage & then factored those users pausing/cancelling into their new pricing model & worked out the subsequent revenue implications.

For the UK pricing, to just stand still on revenue, Zwift need to retain 3 customers at the new higher pricing for every customer that leaves. Additional summer pauses complicate the picture further. The increase may backfire on them if sufficient people find alternative platforms. Time will tell.
I hope Zwift stays around for the continued long term - the more options the better. For me though, the new price for the same old service is a step too far, especially having now been nudged to look at the things I can do on rival platforms which have come a long way in a few years.


Yes. In my opinion it is far inferior to Indievelo and Zwift. I have my reasons for riding on it a little bit, but it’s a long way off being a viable alternative for serious Zwift users imo.

The grass isn’t always greener elsewhere either.

I use both Zwift and Fulgaz, each for different things.

Racing never. Unless the race is entirely uphill at 6.5% average gradient for 15-25km then no point.

If Zwift was only about racing, then I would have killed my account years ago. Thankfully there are other elements to Zwift.

Complain, complain, complain! People can be ridiculous. Zwifts first price increase in 7 years and people act like it’s the end of the world. Every subscription service I know of has had several increases in that same time frame. Zwifts platform is top notch and only gets better. I haven’t had any issues other than cheaters. Maybe the extra money will aid Zwift in keeping cheaters / weight dopers from the game.

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I wouldn’t go that far. It has faults in places and the cheating is really really bad.

The amount of world tour pro performances from those who clearly aren’t at that level is infuriating. Today, guy smashing it up Fuji Climb portal the whole way at 500w and approx 60 cadence, with Zpower. Or Mr or Mrs Dot doing Alpe du Zwift in 35 minutes or less 3 laps in a row.

At least stick those folk on their own Zpower leaderboards.

If I had my way I’d prioritise developing checks to filter out those blatantly egregious performances.

All that said, rivals aren’t perfect everywhere either. Fulgaz had its share of superhuman feats of strength from various folk too.

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I respectfully disagree! It is top notch. I can get on, chose a ride, workout, or race, do my thing, check out my numbers and move on with my day. Its graphics are great, tons of options, I’m amongst others in the cycling community. I’m cool with Zwift. It’s been good and will only get better.

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People aren’t complaining…they are airing a valid opinion. Just like yours. Some opinions may be different than yours…but that doesn’t mean they aren’t equally as valid. The great thing is…each individual opinion is correct, because everyone has a right to their own opinion. Maybe read back your post and see if it’s really how you want to portray yourselves to others. If nothing else, maybe some people aren’t in a financial position to afford this increase.


is that you Eric Min?


Glad you are enjoying Zwift. I have too for many years.
I think you’ll be riding amongst less members of the cycling community in future, but I may be proven wrong.

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Why are people who have cancelled their Zwift subscription still active on this forum? Is it just to do marketing for the alternatives?

Just because someone doesn’t want to throw money at Zwift right now, doesn’t mean they’re not interested in seeing how things unfold.