Change name in-game

Is it possible to change your name in the game / application ?

If so, how can this be done ? 
If not, could this be added too much hassle to change it via the dashboard/web form/app 

Rider customization screen or login screen could be a good place to add it.

Thanks for considering

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yes ,

Returning to the “Pause screen”, on the top left is your name and rider details

Zwift User manual

The orange box with the pencil brings up an edit screen allowing you to change you name, FTP, weight and various other details

you can change the name in game but it doesn’t update on the leaderboard till you logout and then log back in

Tnx for informing where you can change it, but it think this need some more tweaking/polishing. This goes in fact for other parts of the UI as well. Some element need to be placed somewhere else. 

Function like name change should also be faster accessible.