I’m in week 4 and since it’s a low effort week (3 workouts and 1 of those being a 30 minute pedalling drill) I slipped in a ramp test. I came out at 258W (from 245W before the plan). Obviously I’m happy with an increase, I’m not sure how much is me getting used to the ramp test, increased fitness or increased technique (cadence). As long it’s one of the latter 2 I’d be happy.
I started zwifting about a year ago and that was the first time I’d ever seen my power and cadence numbers. Back then my preferred cadence was probably around 70 to maybe 80rpm. Starting this workout a few weeks ago my preferred cadence was nearer 80, but I was still a grinder on steep hills dropping down towards 70 again.
With all the changing prescribed cadences in the workout I’m feeling my preferred cadence is nearer 90 and maybe above that if I’m going over my FTP. When the plan is done I’m definitely going to reevaluate my cadence especially on hills.
Another point it has taught me is how to do warm ups and I think some of this was related to my old preference for slower cadences. When I warm up in the workouts it is around 50% of ftp and when I’m cold it’s feels horrible doing 85rpm, but it’s nice and easy to just coast at 65rpm. By forcing myself to do 85rpm (building up to it over a couple of minutes) and then doing the primers as the workout calls it at around ftp with high cadences (up to 110rpm) for 30 seconds does warm me up and after those it feels natural to spin along at 85rpm at 50% ftp.