Bug in Pacing?


Going back, the version that was definitely working was 1.0.27304.

Game Version 1.0.27192 is not working for the expected behaviour.


Hi there,


A couple of versions before this, I was able to use the ‘thresholdSecPerKm’ option in a custom workout to control the pace. In this newest version of Zwift, this option no longer has any effect. Is this intentional, or a bug (like when the textEvents would not appear during a custom run workout - which is now fixed in this new version)?


For example, I use the code below in a custom workout ZWO file for running:



This sets the pace at 10kph* and overrides the user’s pace. I use this for a Couch to 5K training plan to reduce the user’s risk of injury as a beginner training plan.


Previously, I could set any pace in Zwift and the workout would abide by 10.0kph. In this new version of Zwift, the user’s pace now over-rides the code above and the user is instructed to run at 20.0kph when their 5km pace is 00:15:00.


See the following screen shots:



* 360 seconds = 6min for each km, which equals 10km in each hour ~ 10kph


Here is the contents of the entire workout ZWO file:


\<author\>James Rees\</author\>

\<name\>Day 1\</name\>

\<description\> In todays workout:

- 05:00 minute warm up (416m)

- 03:00 minutes of running (500m)

- 01:30 minutes of recovery (125m)

- 05:00 minutes of running (833m)

- 02:30 minutes of recovery (208m)

- 03:00 minutes of running (500m)

- 01:30 minutes of recovery (125m)

- 05:00 minutes of running (833m)

- 03:30 minute cool down (291m)\</description\>



\<category\>Couch to 5K\</category\>

\<subcategory\>Week 4\</subcategory\>





\<Warmup Duration="416.67"PowerLow="0.5"PowerHigh="0.5"pace="1"units="1"\>\<!-- 05:00 @ 10km/h --\>

\<textevent timeoffset="0"duration="10"message="Welcome to the fourth week of Couch to 5k!"/\>

\<textevent timeoffset="10"duration="10"message="After our warm up, we will run for 03:00 minutes and recover for 01:30 minutes"/\>

\<textevent timeoffset="20"duration="10"message="Then, we will run for 05:00 minutes and recover for 02:30 minutes"/\>

\<textevent timeoffset="30"duration="10"message="We will do this nearly twice before a short cool down."/\>


\<Intervals TRepeat="1"OnDuration="500"OffDuration="125"OnPower="1"OffPower="0.5"pace="1"units="1"/\>\<!-- 03:00 @ 10km/h, 01:30 @ 5km/h --\>

\<Intervals TRepeat="1"OnDuration="833.33"OffDuration="208.33"OnPower="1"OffPower="0.5"pace="1"units="1"/\>\<!-- 05:00 @ 10km/h, 02:30 @ 5km/h --\>

\<Intervals TRepeat="1"OnDuration="500"OffDuration="125"OnPower="1"OffPower="0.5"pace="1"units="1"/\>\<!-- 03:00 @ 10km/h, 01:30 @ 5km/h --\>

\<SteadyState Duration="833.33"Power="1"pace="1"units="1"/\>\<!-- 05:00 @ 10km/h --\>

\<Cooldown Duration="291.67"PowerLow="0.5"PowerHigh="0.5"pace="1"units="1"\>\<!-- 05:00 @ 5km/h --\>

\<textevent timeoffset="0"duration="10"message="Good job!"/\>




Just a heads up I’m currently investigating this with our QA department. I’ll update this post as we gather more information!