Apple TV 2022

It hasn’t changed. There have been some hints that it may improve but I don’t recall any timeline.

I would expect it to take a year or so.

Longtime AppleTV user. I bought the first AppleTV4k as soon as Zwift announced the AppleTV version of the app, used it for years.
I did purchase an AppleTV 2022. I used it for a few months.
I finally gave up and got a 5th gen i7, with an RTX 2070. My TV is only 1080p, but I can run the ultra profile without issue. I can consistently get 60fps (except in Makuri, well documented issue).

As much as i’m itching for a graphics upgrade on ATV4K, its a dream to use for Zwift.
So simple, just having this tiny little box with a little remote, as apposed to a big PC with keyboard, mouse and all that crap…and dealing with Windows etc etc
Apple being apple, it just works faultlessly - pairing is rapid - it boots up quicker than you can blink.
Its a dream for Zwift imo

Looking forward to a step up in the graphics tho - aint gonna lie


After a few more crashes on my Microsoft Surface Pro 7, I threw in the towel and got an ATV 4k.
First ride today and the graphics were smooth and zero crashes/freezes.


I upgraded to the new ATV4K 2022 a few months ago, there was a great price that was too good to refuse!

I have noticed smoother gameplay, in particular through Neokyo where my old ATV had some moments where the FPS dropped significantly. Hopefully the better graphics profile comes soon.


Still no upgraded graphics profile for the ATV4K 2022 :frowning:

I’m disappointed too. The announcement was big, but nothing happened. I have now switched to a gaming PC. If there is still an adjustment, I will go back immediately. In my opinion, the Apple TV is the best option for Zwift.

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