Zwiftpower .fit file processing stuck?

thanks for the update and we’ll try not to break anything when ZRL restarts on Tuesday :crossed_fingers: !!

Thank you. I just started to race and use ZP in the past month. So I’m encouraged by the response, and happy you’ve devised a solution.

Check Zwift Privacy settings; Zwiftpower does not get a .fit file (blue bolt) unless your activities are saved publicly.


Thanks for that info! I checked and it was already set to public in the companion app. I can’t see anywhere on the zwift site that deals with settings though?

edit - found the activities weren’t public - all sorted thanks again that’s bugged me for months!! :+1::+1::+1:

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Screenshot_2021-01-08 Zwift Power - Events

Not sure that is accurate though I’m afraid, races after ~1530 UTC still only have green bolts.

Looks like the pending is down to 54 right now. Wow that was fast. I would assume that whatever was done that is now being used indefinitely should never have a back up again.

Can anyone comment on fit file processing time now? Is it less than 15 minutes? Is there a way to check?

The queue size indication on the front page is now incorrect, and individual events no longer have the banner indicating the number of files from that event still in the queue.

Not sure if there is any better way, but I just pick results from the list of past races at random to see where 100% green bolts begin, right now the head of the queue is somewhere between 1700 and 1800 UTC.

Glad this shambles has been resolved.

I think that may be overstating things a bit. This bump in the road has been negotiated. There are still several ongoing problems Zwift needs to address going forward and seems to be ignoring.

As a friend of mine says: “Hope should not be considered a viable course of action but when that’s all you have, run with it.”

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Oh of course. I’m glad the fit file problem seems to be sorted. They don’t get any slaps on the back from me for it, they’ve neglected and wrecked what was a perfectly functional service beforehand. Just like everyone expected they would.


Lets keep this forum positive and on topic … a viable fix has been delivered (even if it took a little longer than we’d of liked), and it seems to have resolved the issue … so @xflintx, Thank you for the update and the work the team will have put in to get this sorted.



Seems most of the fit files have been processed. Except for WTRL based events, I have many of those events that are just green bolts. Seems a few of the riders in those events get blue bolts but most get just green. Check out my zwift power profile for examples, my id is 2065331. zwiftpower. com/profile.php?z=2065331

Gang - since the FIT file backlog issue has been identified and a more efficient solution has been implemented, I’m going to lock this thread.

While we were monitoring progress on the FIT file queue - a separate issue has been revealed that may impact your Critical Power reporting. Trying our best here to keep y’all informed.