ZwiftApp.exe not working

I am now attempting to upgrade to windows 10.

got windows 10 but mine isnt working either! verry enoying! regards

Hi Bartel,

Please completely remove Zwift and reinstall the application. For general troubleshooting documentation see this post–9cbe88066cc6dc2239b30b4d63bd60e3c3090b92

Already done that, pc and mobile, doesnt work. Wagen i start the app on the pc and i click start ride the Ant+ picture comes up and suddenly it just stops and closes by itselves. Not sure about the suunto mini movestick and Windows 10 and maybe need to instal Some drivers for that but whatever i do it just doesnt work. Perhaps sell the damn tacx en forget about zwift. Train by a list again. Regards

Hi Bartel,

That’s sad news.

I hope you will submit a support ticket. The people from Zwift are willing to help you.
Along with this ticket you have to submit a couple of log files to get them started.

Good luck!