ZRS Advanced Incentivizes Sandbagging

Might be right, but… Sandbagging are the users, people like you and me! Cheating seems to be common all over the world, Zwift is no exemption.

An old Czech proverb says “lies have short legs”, meaning you won’t get far with a lie. But there is an addition - “… they can run damn fast with it!”

Most online games have a significant anti-cheating investment. The successful ones are quick to monitor and take action when a new method appears. There is currently no consequence of cheating, so more people do it. At least waste people’s time by making it harder to exploit.

Zwift doesn’t take action against a guy doing 600w for a few hours while mocking people in chat.


I can imagine it is hard for a company to do that. No matter how much I would like it.
It are still paying customers who do it, and if they get banned they are most likely leaving Zwift. And there is no guarantee that new users will join or come back because they are banning the cheaters.
So every ban is a loss for them. And I guess it always has to be checked manually if they were to perma ban them and that is time and money expensive also.

Other games manage to do it. Some even “outsource” it by having additional software running on the client PC.

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It is great that the rights of the guy doing Tour de Zwift for 13.4km at 762w average are being so carefully considered. “ResPect”

Almost daily on Alpe du Zwift I see at least two riders with dubious power and or weight, although they don’t have the extraordinary fitness of the TDZ rider mentioned above.

No matter what you or I think about it, for Zwift it is still a paying customer.

I don’t see a point in racing until I hit cat A. First league winner still has less prestige than the bottom of the premier league

What if that cheating paying customer causes them to lose other paying customers?

Sure you keep one person, but if you lose three others?

But that I doubt it happening much. And if I have to believe some topics here on the forum we have thousands of cheaters. And that adds up.

Sure I would like Zwift to do more but a lot always forget that Zwift is a business and financial departments think different.

Tell me you’re not 56 without telling me you’re not 56. :grinning:

The giveaway was already in my forum name😉

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This is why other games do it

Z Racing is dominated by several joke accounts. That’s probably why it’s hard for most to commit to bothering. You can’t dodge their timeslot now

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