ZG24 - Women // Zwift Games Climb Championships: Power data missing [April 05, 2024]

The results for this ( event id 4233285 ) have been available for a while but the power data (e.g. 20 minute, 5 minute power etc) are blank. Is there any way to get this updated, it would make interesting reading! Thanks

Hi @Paolo, welcome to Forums. I’m Juan from Zwift, and I’m glad to know that you are using this space to share your query.

I understand how important it is for you to see your data completed to track your progress. I checked your in-game logs and noticed that you did not take the event in question. I’m wondering, have you contacted us on behalf of someone else?

If so, I would like to recommend that they write to us directly from the email address linked to Zwift/ZwiftPower to take a look. Feel free to reach out to us at zwiftpower@zwift.com. We will be happy to help.

Hi Juan, thanks for the reply!

It is a public event, just like the others in the Zwift Games Championships:

ZG24 - Women // Loop de Loop - Sprint Race 1: event id 4233267
ZG24 - Women // Jurassic Coast - Sprint Race 2: event id 4233268
ZG24 - Women // Glasgow Crit Circuit - Sprint Race 3: event id 4233270
ZG24 - Women // Zwift Games Epic Championships: event id 4233275

Some of them have power data, some don’t, I was just wondering if this was due to the fact that the events were added late to Zwift Power and that had caused a processing “glitch”.
