Wahoo Kickr Bike - External Gear Display

Absolutely, I trap and average all power readings - that code lives here:

Only after the clock moves onto a new second do I take the average of all the intra-second readings and then update the trailing array that is used to support 3 second and 10 second power smoothing. See updateAvgPowerArray() for that part of the logic.

The display itself gets updated 10x per second, but that sprite logic is effectively independent of the bluetooth callbacks like this one that traps power - those get processed each and every time they occur.

I’ve added an http call to be able to send to Home Assistant a change in a binary_sensor so that when the kickr bike is on, turn on fans automatically and do some other automations.
When it goes to sleep it it changes the binary_sensor to off.
The unused buttons also send a turn on or turn off events to Home Assistant.
h ps://github.com/joaoasilva/KickrBikeDisplay


@Jay_Wheeler -
Could you explain the power chart a bit more? I am having a hard time trying to understand the tick marks and triangles.
And, could you explain how to undo the rescaling of the chart? I had to do a hard effort to stay in front of the pacer group so I could shut off the heater in my shop, and then the power graph wouldn’t go above halfway since there was the big effort that rescaled the chart.
Or maybe have the rescaling time out after a while?

Dan: wrt power chart and chart max height:

The tick marks indicate where one power zone stops and the next starts - they are color coded to match the Zwift color coding for power zones.

The top triangle (which is point down) is the max power observed. The lower triangle (which is point up) is the average power observed.

If you want to disable dynamic rescaling of the power chart, then edit the getChartHeightBaedOnFTP() subroutine:

Rather than having the code figure out the chartMaxFTP on the lfy, simply change the first line of that routine to something like:

float chartMaxFTP = 150; // assuming you want 150% of FTP to be your max - set it to whatever you’d like

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Thanks Jay!

Does anyone use it with batteries?
What kind of battery fits in the factory box?

Updated for stability around http calls to Home Assistant.
h ps://github.com/joaoasilva/KickrBikeDisplay

Have anyone tried to do something like this as a PC software to run as a little OSD (On screen display) that can be run on top of Zwift App on a Windows PC. ?

I will let you know in the morning this isn’t hard.

pretty simple. Just gears? Anything else?


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Wow, Yes i think gears is the anything missig in zwift.

@Jonas_Almquist … I did create the app this morning… It works, but there is ONE issue… running Zwift and “Kickr Gears” on the same PC at the same time does NOT work.

It seems that zwift takes exclusive access control of the “Windows to Kickr Bike” connection and no other app (on same computer) can access the bike.

I can get it to work with Zwift on Phone/ipad/2nd PC and “kickr gears” running on standalone PC.

If anybody knows away around this… I’m all ears.



Cool, nice job!

@Jonas_Almquist … Let me know if this works for you just Messenger for DM.

I sent you a dm on messenger :slight_smile:

@Pat_Fulghum if you connect on Zwift via ANT+ it doesn’t work?
Can you share on github? thanks

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@Joao_Silva1 I don’t know for certain, but it should…

Thank you very much Pat, its awsome!
Works nice if Kickr bike v2 is connected through wifi

Hi @Pat_Fulghum,
That looks great, and just what a lot of Kickr bike owners are missing!
How can I get this? Can you please share a link?


Does it work with other apps? (Rouvy)
Can somebody help me? I don’t understand it.
I only need one screen where I can see gear shifts, grade %, current speed and average speed.
Buttons on the left side with orientation.
One of the buttons should be an on/off button. (probably I will use it with a battery) If feasible, the battery charge level in percentage in one of the corners.
WAHOO Kickr Bike Shift
Thank you.

Hey Nik,
awesome work! I get my Kickr Shift this week and already ordered a LILYGO S3 LCD.
I guess there is a way to configure the Layout of the datafields?
Lets say I want only the gear numbers and gear animation side by side and no watts, watt/kg and cadence.
Can you give a quick explanation how to? Simply commenting out some stuff?