The yellow pacer identifier

I know this is minor but I’m riding with Maria at the moment and enjoying it. But the distance identifier being white text on yellow background is really hard to see… I always go ahead up a slope so it would be easier to see if text was black.
Have to put my specs on to see it.
As I said, not major but thought it’s worth a mention.

Just spotted this has been raised a few times before going back to 2022 and beyond.
Better get fitter and move up a pace group.


can’t be that hard to change a font colour.

Also if you have the power graph on at bottom of the page, bit covers it up totally. Not helpful at all.

Come on zwift, no more new roads, no snow on the road, but change the colour please.


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Perhaps time to join Coco or Yumi groups?

Did 50miles with Maria last night around sugar cookie and the pace was great so I’m just at that fitness level where that works for everything except going uphill.
Still, that yellow/white contrast is pants.

Whoever thought that was a good idea either didn’t think or is a fly!

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