Taiwan Challenge Route

Good morning

Is there any plans in the future to incorporate the climb featured in the Taiwan challenge as this would be the ultimate ride and sportif?


Some GC results from the 2019 Taiwan KOM Challenge
The Winner, Anthon Charmig, finished in 3 hours, 24 minutes
Top World Tour Rider, Steff Cras: 3:38
Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio: 3:51
Marianne Vos: 3:57
Nathan Haas: 4:20
Median Finisher: 5:23

Hi Steve

that’s great but was after if Zwift were going to consider a route which would be fantastic for training and races

Good morning is there any update or plans to run with the Taiwan challange route on zwift in the near future or a perhaps a one off when the actual event is run ?

Zwift has many more appealing routes to create. The median real world finisher in 2019 needed more than five hours to ride the course. The best finisher took more than three hours. That is not a course that will be useful to many Zwifters on a regular basis. It is too long.