Sworks Tarmac SL7 Color

Omg thank you! Finally I have a red/black SL7.

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oh my god, after more than 2 years being a bit frustrated with my orange SL7 I can finally get it in red!

thanks a lot!

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i want to get my sl7 in black, is that possible? Ingame?

I don’t think so. It’s not a great performing bike in the game (unlike in reality) so if you don’t like how it looks there’s no reason to use it.

really? there are performance differences between the biles i didnt know that? wow. so what bike are good?

If you go to https://zwifterbikes.web.app/ you can input your level and drops budget and pick a route, and it will tell you which bike and wheels are fastest for the route. The Tarmac SL7 is a good all rounder but probably not the best choice. By level 11 you can get the Canyon Aeroad 2021 which is better.

Unfortunately real life performance of the bike means nothing in Zwift world.

And never buy a bike right after it is newly released in Zwift, always wait 2-3 months in case they nerf it (make slower).

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Go to your Garage and change to another bike. Then go to the shop an equip the s-works SL7 again. Go out of the dialog without changing the color slider, you will have default color (original red/black) again.