Event Module WARNING

When one has signed up for a Zwift EVENT MODULE event from the mobile app, it can be that a cool 30 min automatic countdown appears to warn of your event. This is great. However, instead of the button saying JOIN EVENT, it should say JOIN EVENT NOW or better GO TO EVENT PIER as newbies think that they need to hit the JOIN EVENT to confirn attendance, but that instead can take them to the PIER very early and where their KMs do not count.   You understand the confusion that button name causes?  Thanks.  #zwiftΔriding 

It is confusing.  I did this at my first event. 

Me too. Should be a simple fix to change the text to Go To Event Start or something as suggested

Agreed. Something like “Go to Start” or “Go to Warmup” would be good, as Join Event sounds like part of a signup process.