Corona Cycling

Just gotta say Zwift virtual worlds are currently the major factor in keeping me sane. I’m based in Ningbo in Zhenjiang China. It’s the region with the second most cases of the virus after Wuhan and so we are restricted to our homes.
4 weeks ago I broke my wrist when a car pulled out on me as I descended at speed. Fitted Tri bars to the bike and started to ride using my gravat smart trainer. Week or so later the restrictions came in to try and contain the virus and I couldn’t even walk outside the compound. Would have gone stir crazy but instead started a Zwift training programme Nd have been raking part in the Tour de Zwift. Being able to get out to those virtual worlds while increasing my fitness is an absolute joy. Ironically since breaking my wrist and being confined indoors my fitness and cycling legs are getting better and better. By the time the restrictions are lifted and the virus beaten I’ll be well ready to crack on out on the road. Thanks Zwift :muscle:

I’ve seen others on Zwift from Wuhan area last Weekend. It is nice to see that you guys are doing something good out of this hard quarantine situation. All the best to you and all people affected in your area. I hope that the situation will improve soon.


Cheers Tom

Andy, how’s the condition now at your area? Quarantine not in place?

All the best

All good now. No restrictions on cycling and it’s fine to call in the villages on the way for mid ride feeding stops. All the cycle events and sportive are still postponed though

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