Climb Portal -> Make it permanent

I only discovered Climb Portal yesterday and directly climbed the Col du Tourmalet. I loved it!! Normally, I ONLY climb the Alpe du Zwift (it’s the only workout I do on Zwift because I like the segments). Please: Can you make all these climbs permanently available? So not only 2 per day. And can you add more 1.000 m+ elevation gain climbs?

been requested many many times, what’s more annoying is that when the portal was launched there were 8 climbs available, zwift want more people visible on routes not fewer so that’s why there are only 2 climbs available


I think it’s great that they increase the number of climbs, even though… most are not the 1.000+ elevation gain climbs I’m interested in. But your comment is interesting “Zwift wants”. Shouldn’t it be what the customers want…?

it should be but what do customer wants?

I know some will want lots of choice some will want a climb with other people. There is probably a balance to be had with adding a few climbs of differing length always available.

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Fair point. I would say: more is better. If people want to climb together, Zwift offers options to organize that right?

They’re trying to implement what the customer wants. The reasoning behind limited climb portals is the same as the reasoning behind having limited worlds available at a given time.

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Alright, apparently I have different preferences…It’s the way it is…

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When they reduced the number of available portal climbs from 8 to 2, as Rich mentioned there were a lot of complaints about it, so your preferences are shared by others. I can’t say what the majority wants, but there are certainly some customers who do not care about seeing a lot of other riders. There are some other products (eg, FulGaz) that cater to that preference.

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try the climbs on 125% elevation scaling, note you have to complete it on 100% first to unlock it, but if you want more difficult climbs that is one way to get them

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I’ve noticed. Yesterday I directly finished the Col du Tourmalet and next time I will go for the 125% for sure. Maybe my preference isn’t even that all climbs should be available all of the time. I just wished Zwift offered more 1.000+ climbs with segments (like the Col du Tourmalet and Alpe du Zwift). For example, I find the Ven-Top (France, Mont Ventoux) rather boring. It feels like just 1 long climb. I really like it when it has segments. For me, the Alpe du Zwift are 21 small races due to the segments.

Another long-standing request is to have segments on Ven-Top.
The closest you can get is the stone markers every kilometer, but with some of them backlit, you can’t read them, especially on AppleTV.


@Dan_Kothlow, I think we totally agree. Compliments for Zwift for a great replica of this mountain. However, I would indeed prefer if they would confirm “the real experience” with all the options that software can offer… Best of both worlds!

You can hardly read them on a 4K ultra setting with 55” TV either because the lighting on them is the wrong way around.

I would have preferred being able to ride any portal climb at the time I want to. But since that’s not possible I will use Fulgaz when it has the climbs I want.

So the limiting of route selection means I go to another app, rather than making do with Zwift. If they were all open to be ridden whenever I might have stayed in Zwift.

I think generally Zwift does a terrible job with the UI - it is minimal functional and shows none of the polish that a product that will be a decade old later this year normally has.

I think that is the biggest disappointment as I’ve watched them evolve over the years.