Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

For those that don’t know, mywoosh is 100% free.

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Personally I think there will be no change.

Folks will realize either they don’t have the hardware to run the other software, or it doesn’t fill the niche that Zwift does.

Zwift isn’t perfect, but I don’t think the folks announcing their departures are fully aware the state of the competition; or alternatively, weren’t exactly high frequency users (weekly, or even daily).

I think come fall, some folks will try the competition, realize they’ve got their own issues, or lacks what Zwift offers, and return; at which point they’ll realize the cost of 2-3 gel packets isn’t as big of a deal as they’re making it out to be.

The folks arguing outdoor riding is cheaper… clearly don’t calculate their costs accurately.


riding outside is definitely cheaper than indoor zwifting, certainly for myself


I’m level 75 and definitely not coming back. I’m pretty thrifty and have cut back on a number of monthly services already. Zwift has gotten so boring for me that I typically have a show on another screen anyway.


If you’ve ever stopped to buy food on a single outdoor ride, you’ve already squandered the cost differences; which I’m under the assumption a lot of people are forgetting.

The cost of bibs, a single replacement tire, you name it; already covers the cost difference and then some for a yearly fee.

Hence why I really don’t believe that outdoor riding is as cheap as some folks make it out to seem.

Granted, I’m a little salty because I just got my first flat on Monday and had to stock back up on replacements lol.


Might be the most brand loyal but probably hit hardest by the price upgrade given the lack of any new features in years.

For me i’d be engaging with clubs/race organisers as that is what ties people to a platform.

Clubs has been left to rot…this is such a missed opportunity.
Racing has seen barely any development in years.


We need food to live. That’s not a cost that’s ever going away. Zwift is not essential for living. :smiley:


Comparing to what you’d have or make if doing the same ride indoors I mean.

Not your basic intake :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean things like cakes, and expensive coffees, etc. on group rides that like to stop and have meals.
I’m under the impression folks ignore the cost of stuff like that.

Meanwhile I saw an interesting comment on facebook; comparing Zwift to gyms.

I bothered looking up local gym memberships in my area and was blown away…
Up to $140 A MONTH! Folks paying that much are for sure insane.

I’m curious what makes outdoor riding more expensive than keeping up a Zwift membership. Are we talking about having to replace parts due to the wear and tear of outdoor riding? If so, that would probably depend on how much people actually ride. I’m a casual rider at best. On a good week, I might get up to 80 miles, but often less than that. Short of blowing out a tire or something, I’m not expecting to spend any money on cycling this summer. I already have the gear I need. On the other hand, if I kept my Zwift membership running between now and when it gets cold again, that’s now $140 or so.

All that being said, I’m not planning to permanently leave Zwift over this. As I said in a previous post, I usually cancel over the summer because I ride outside. I find it annoying to repeatedly attach the bike to the indoor trainer and then take it off again, so if it’s a rainy day, I just don’t ride rather than hooking it all up so that I can Zwift indoors for a day. I’m sure when winter rolls around, I’ll start Zwift up again for a couple months if I feel like riding. Fortunately, cycling isn’t the only way I get my cardio in.

EDIT: I see you responded to some people while I was typing. For the record, I don’t stop to buy food on my rides and I’ve had my bike since 2020 and so far haven’t had to even replace a tire. Maybe I’m just lucky, but that’s the reality for me at least. lol

£180 for the year plus then the cost of a device to run it on, then you have power consumption, you have failed to mention these, all need to be taken into consideration if you are bringing consumables into the equation

outdoor rides for me consist of a bottle of energy drink and maybe a gel, and you are right I don’t stop for coffee and cake but last year I spent less on my outdoor riding than i did for zwift


Regardless of one’s reason for staying/going/pausing etc, Zwift has raised $620m over three funding rounds - an insane number for what is fundamentally a live service video game. I believe Outside mentioned that there have been “lots of additions since 2017”, but consider this: Rockstar was able to develop and release GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 in five years with an inflation adjusted budget of around $500m for both (which includes marketing). Ie, two of the largest, most profitable entertainment products of all-time, which have heavy live-service elements, were released in less time and for $120m less than what Zwift has done in 7 years.

Is the price increase by itself a deal breaker? That’s up for individuals to figure out. But with the context of having blown a breathtaking amount of funding while registering only incremental changes in the core experience, the increase feels like an acknowledgement that they failed to capitalize on being a first mover with a cool product.


I do need to still figure out energy costs, but I will say it’s not going to be much more than what it would’ve been back when I was doing nothing but playing video games or whatever anyways (probably).

I just mean in general that some folks seem to think X or Y is better for Z reason; and for some reason, like Marc here… that might be the case!

If I weren’t on every day, I absolutely would be thinking more seriously about it (and those of you who aren’t satisfied, absolutely should!)

I just mean in general though; folks making a noise are likely to discover the grass isn’t greener [yet], and things like ZRL are likely not to suffer because of a cost change (if anything, the lack of… support and bad / overly automated rules over anything else).

Marc, for the record, half my teammates already got mad at me on our chat when I sent the picture of my flat with all of them asking why I wasn’t running tubeless LOL!!!

I only started commuting on bike end of last year; not to save money, but out of the enjoyment (Honestly not saving anything, car insurance in the US is out of hand, and my $2000 car has basically doubled in insurance costs despite no tickets and no accidents, or anything).

All of that said, if the price went up any more, would I start to consider alternatives…? Yes, absolutely; purely down to the development pace, bugs, poor support for important things (basic things, like inability to block users, etc.)

In the meantime I genuinely hope ZHQ can come up with a solution to:
Families (same households)

If I’m upset about anything specific, it’s the dropping of support almost entirely for the last two in particular.
And families… a lot of the leaders in my group are husband/wives who ride together… that’s a massive bump in price for two accounts in same household.

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I was a little taken by the increase here in the UK. I’ve used Zwift primarily to recover from an ankle injury and to complement my general fitness. I’ve never raced or anything like that.

I’ve also got mywoosh as I tried it a little while ago prior to the apple beta (I’m on android).

I would pause my membership anyway during the warmer months as I prefer to cycle outside. My renewal is still showing as £12.99 31/5 so I guess that takes me till end of June prior to pausing.

During that time I will spend some hours on mywoosh and see how I get on with it. If it genuinely ticks the box as a little distraction whilst exercising on the bike my Zwift will be cancelled. I am not using most of the features or things on zwift anyway.

No issues with companies trying to make a profit but it’s the value of the app to me that matters and I don’t think it’s really worth £17.99 a month the way I use it.


The Euro prices are above US prices too.

And people in Greece, Spain, Portugal have lower average wages (vs USA).
I know, its a corporation and they can do what they think it´s best (for them). But costumers may disagree with that pricing policy.

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do you zwift naked?


I’m starting to think some folks do! :joy:

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I might have to now they’ve put the price up. Can’t afford bibs as well.

To be fair after 600m USD, at the very least I’d expect the graphics not to look like a 1980s video game. What on earth have they done with all that investment?


A 38.5% increase since 2017 is over 6% / yr. I wonder if they had increased slowly instead, people would have found it justifiable. As it stands, to me it’s not (my salary certainly hasn’t increased by 6% a year).
It’s a problem of attitude more than money: I think members deserve a supporting explanation (like, planned new features rollout), and there is none. This is just arrogant.
All we know instead, is the co-CEO has resigned, the company is laying off staff, and the HubOne is no more.

speaking of which, my immediate newbie question is, can I use the HubOne / virtual shifting with other platforms? thanks!


probably not the most important point to pick up on but it is actually about 3.5% per year - compound growth.

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