Category Enforcement - How is my category calculated? [February 2022]

No probs Stan :+1:

Category enforcement is being switched on for the remaining 3R races currently without it.


James, the 3R Gotham Grind, Sunday 4 PM has disappeared from the events list.
I usually donā€™t look at the Sun schedule this far in advance so Iā€™m not sure if it usually shows up this early or if it is related to the CE switch.

Looks like Sundays races are still being populated at the moment.

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Thanks Tim/Marc

Iā€™ve found the 3 Gotham Grind events on Saturday/Sunday. They werenā€™t tagged with 3R (they are now) and have had CE added.

Thanks James.

Thanks a lot @Marc_Swatton_R3R

Now I can stop pestering you for nowā€¦LOL (once the numbers are up I will bug you for ā€œonly see category ridersā€) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

P.s the 3R volcano race is a lot of fun.

@James_Zwift This has not updated yet: The at Home Cycling & Running Virtual Training App

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I think some of the 3R events predate our use of tags for searching.

Iā€™ll try to find a list.


Im sure there is a point in your response, Im just failing to see it.

Sandbaggers are gravitating towards their races as they do not have Cat enforcement - Yes the Monday has a form of it with split cats but it doesnt put people who are sandbagging the 20min numbers into the correct cat.
The Friday race series is straight up race based on ZP Cats, it is prime to be included in CE - They currently dont and it appears Sandbaggers are drawn to race in this series now.

You have made a stab at guessing what I really mean, and you got it wrong, Ive never complained about the same people winning over & over - Ive complained about people gaming the system to punch down on people & stop themselves being promoted. If the same person wins in a fair race, then good on them.

Iā€™ve not been Zwifting much lately, weather has improved and so Iā€™m riding more outdoors. Discovered those dodgy data races using my Direto as source 10th-12th March inclusive raise my 60day ā€œIntervals.icuā€ 2 parameter CP by ~0.3W/Kg, putting me over the A threshold (it was ~4.15W/Kg the other day). Another two weeks and they will be out of the rolling 60 day window and Iā€™ll be back in B.
After last nightā€™s outdoor ~2 hour ride, my ā€œIntervalsā€ outdoor 2 parameter CP is 3.57W/Kg, TTE 30mins and VO2max 54.5

Iā€™ll likely only be dabbling in Zwift on bad weather days until autumn now, but I still have major concerns about how lightweight riders are being protected in this new system. As an example, this rider ZwiftPower -Ā Login is one of the top Zwiftpower Cs and is a Category Enforcement B (given how I raced them until my recent fake promotion, losing each time I might add), but they are very capable of competing with As and maybe getting their heart rate above a racing max of typically ~160bpm because they are easily keeping up with Bs and Cs while often winning races with 4-4.7W/Kg averages at ~47Kg.

It was this event. Same thing happened to one last week too - I can look that one up if youā€™d like as well:
ZwiftPower - EVO CC Race Series

I honestly donā€™t think that CE will change much for ZRL B1 where we both race. The heavy riders will be safely wintin the CP-VO2 margins, while the two of us will be bumped to A. But of course it also has a lot to do with the race format where there is a lot of point races and TTTs, the latter is not really suited for 60kg riders

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Thanks. Iā€™ve updated it.

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I looked back, and the other race that happened was the exact same series, just last week, so if itā€™s updated then that would have caught both of the ones I noticed.

that person is not winning an A race in a million years unless theyā€™re the only person in it. B is entirely fair for a person who has an ftp of ~200, even if they are 10 kilos


Maybe not winning, but competing with As, especially on hilly courses.

Second most recent race, finished in same time as A winner, as an example ZwiftPower -Ā Login

Those 1215 Electric Spirit races start all categories together.

No worries. We have the oh crit races, these are cat enforced and use sub group culling (only see your category). Also a dual recording requirement for those that finish in the top 5 A cat.


Thanks Mark.

I am one of those in the crappy time zone and I only ride in the morning. I think the volcano climb will be a lot better now with CE.

Keep doing the good work, Thanks.

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Sorry but it doesnā€™t matter if you are Wahoo or Zwift, cheaters will find a way to cheatā€¦They LIVE to try and find ways. There will never be a prefect system.

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You might be right, and anyway I took a kind of pride of being able to hold on with 360w ftp beastsā€¦ :joy:
But I might want to do another zrl with category enforcement, whereas without it, I will just stop, as I lost some interestā€¦