Cat enforced?

I do not race often but when I do I’m always surprised to see the winners averaging w/kg way outside the Cat enforced limits. I just completed a race in the C Cat, I averaged 2.6w/kg yet the top 6 riders all averaged 3.6-4.2w/kg. Cat C says 2.5-3.2 w/kg enforced for the race. If you are going to say the Cats are enforced, then anyone exceeding the w/kg standard for the race should either be disqualified for “doping” or moved to the appropriate Cat based on results.

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zFTP is often (not always) roughly 40 minute power. My 20 minute best is close to 3.5W/kg but my zFTP is 3.35W/kg so I remain in C. The cut off for C is 3.36W/kg zFTP, not 3.2. Races usually have incorrect numbers associated with the categories. I don’t know why they don’t fix that since it is confusing.

See this document:

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I just looked at the results and you finished second in Cat C on Zwiftpower.

The first 4 in your category were DQed for WKG.