Bib shorts might help you. Why they’re better than non-bib cycling shorts is that the shoulder straps help them they stay put better as you move around, so a lot of people find that there’s less chafing.
yes, thats why i just ordered a few.
one question for me is still open, is the biggest trouble the pressure itself or the chafing on the region?
i tried to shift the weight on the front, which gave me hands pain and now with the weight better distribuited on the rear, the butt pain. I guess the pain should be somewhere anyways, thats why we call pain cave ahhahaha
It could also be an ill-fitting saddle. Width is a more important feature than padding.
Get a piece of aluminum foil, and lay it down on a carpeted step. Wearing something thin (underwear, unpadded lycra, etc) sit down on the foil. When you stand up, you’ll be able to see the indentations from your sit bones. Measure the width between them, and check that against your saddle. Your sit bones should be roughly in the middle of the two ‘lobes’ of the back of your saddle. Too narrow, or too wide, and you’ll have some troubles.
Tom, i did that.
basically fitting very well sizewise. center of the bones are about 1,5 cm from lateral wide side of the saddle.
i did all the possible “bike fit at home”.
after all the changes, it seems that the last issue is really this pressure. once solved i think i can go finally for a 200k ride
Cool, sorry to have presumed–a lot of people just use whatever saddle came with the bike, and if they think about changing, they think ‘more padding=better’. So it’s a reflex now to talk about saddle width (I had a guy last summer come back to our shop after we helped him find a new saddle and say that he’d been riding for 20+ years and had never thought about saddle width, but that he was more comfortable than he’d ever been )
No worries, you are helping and is a very valid point. I even saw some people measuring while sitting on a chair instead of measuring on the bike which may gibe some cm off.
I’m just leaving to change the saddle as most of bike fitters said (YouTube knowledge ;)) that most likely isn’t the saddle the problem and mostly the bike fit.
The unfunny story with all of this is that before I didn’t have much trouble but after cycling regularly the tushy fat is gone and it was a natural padding. Now I can even feel the sitbonesmoving during pedaling…(not sure if that is a good thing). That’s why I want to explore the new bibs
If you’re not sure if it’s chafing have you tried chamois butter? Basically a moisturizer you put on down there before the shorts. I find it helpful on long rides (around 3 hours or more), others never use it and some use it on every ride. Certainly a cheaper option than trying various styles/brands of shorts.
Bike fit is very interconnected, so you’re exactly right. It could be a lot of things. Something like stem length can affect your reach which affects hip rotation which affects saddle pressure and aaaaagh! So if the saddle seems right, then I’d think bibs makes sense. Easier to explore without changing components. I personally just like the feel–that they stay with me when I move, so I feel more connected. I never have to think about movement of the kit, like I would with shorts (tri shorts, for example). Good luck
So, the new bins arrived.
I got one that I thought it was too small then ordered a size bigger. The same problem.
My sitbones are landing in no landing area as you can see by my Dio hand:)
The bigger part of the pad that should be available for the sitbones is way to high on the back. I thought that the smaller one was pulling too much the back not allowing the pad to sit where it should…but the large is doing the same thing… Ahhhhrgh
What brand is that?
Its a Lo.gas from Amazon.
Its definitely on the budget but it seeems well done, a part from the ad that in fiting
Here another picture but exagerated a little but showing in reverse the issue.
the largest part is way off the sitbones.
doing some google search i found quite a bit of post with people having the same issue.
do you guys allways buy the bibs that the largest area fits perfectly under the sibones?
That’s definitely a consideration when buying bibs or shorts. You have to find a brand that puts the pad in the right place for you. For me the worst is Pearl Izumi which sits so far forward in the shorts that the stitching on the back of the pad is under my sit bones. There will be blood.
Currently I’m using Castelli and ProCorsa bibs but I only buy the cheaper ones that don’t have a great pad. They’re fine but not for all day riding. I like the ProCorsa because they don’t have grippy (hair-pulling) elastic and the shoulder straps are wider. I think that’s a house brand from Bike Tires Direct.
Yeah. I just order a couple of different ones and will give it a try.
Bontrager makes a pretty good and affordable bib short, I’ve got a couple of pairs. Pad sits nicely for me, wide where it needs to be and back of the pad maybe 2 cm above the saddle.
Did anyone try the Zwift shorts?
Just tested this Gore Bibs.
Fits really well and after 2 hours ride I could still feels that I have sitbones, but wayyyy better.
I also noticed that the issue is more intensive at higher cadences. From 75 up. I think this makes sense as you have more tubing at higher cadences.
The foam is not particularly different from the very cheap ones, however it stays in place very well which may help the chafing…
Might be a keeper ,let’s see
Are those the Le Col ones? if they are - I would avoid.
Problem with Le Col is the stitching comes apart very easily then the chamois comes adrift. Le Col jerseys are brilliant though.
They are called ‘Core’ in the webshop. Zwift claims they’re premium quality and the price (€140) is not out of order I believe.
I just realized . You’re saying that the Zwift shorts are rebranded Le Cols, right? I was not aware of that.