Zwift volume control

Is there anyway to turn Zwift sound off, while getting lost on the island I also like to get lost in my own music. This was impossible to do with Zwift background noise overlaying my Sportify tracks.

I’m with Windows and you can turn the Zwift volume down in applications volume control (when you press on the bottom right sound control and enter “Mixer”).

This is not a Zwift feature, but rather just Windows.

I’m on a Mac, and there is not “mixer” type application. I downloaded Soundbunny, but worked on everything but Zwift

Soundbunny doesn’t work with Zwift? Booo.  I was about to download their demo to try it!


I’m going to try Arunas’ suggestion.  Thanks!!!


Aciu Arunas!

All part of last week’s release :slight_smile: