ZWIFT Academy road 2022 FEEDBACK

I’ve seen others suggest it wasn’t challenging enough. If I had accepted my ride earned FTP was correct, I would have found it easier and might have been disappointed like I have been with other workouts. After a ramp test and an increase by 10 watts, I found the long versions definitely challenging.

I wonder if others need to retest their FTP in order to experience the pain :rofl:

I focused on the ‘long’ versions, and actually found the first 3 workouts more difficult than the last 3. When the program suggested the first one should be a 5/10 in terms of effort I almost decided to shift down my FTP because I was feeling 8/10 level pain after it, the second and third were pretty similar. That said, I kept the FTP where it was, and the last 3 made me feel as though I could have done a lot more. I’m pretty sure my FTP didn’t move much in the course of the 4 weeks - I think they could have added another working set to at least the last 2 workouts, possibly the last 3.

It was good of them to have the short and long workouts, but personally I didn’t think the long workouts were particularly long, especially compared to some of what they did in 2016’s academy. Maybe they need short, long, and longer workouts :slight_smile:

I did like the workouts overall, they just didn’t get progressively more difficult for me as the canned workout text suggested they should.


The lack of testing to spot and fix the rubber banding segment timing in the baseline ride ahead of the event start was unforgivable.

Doing a series of workouts without having ensured riders had a solid baseline FTP to give proper training zones was illogical.

Squeezing that many workouts around other riding and expecting meaningful improvements was laughable.


Zwift Academy Road went to fast; I thought I had time to ride but only notice it was only 4 weeks but in saying that I was a week behind, so it was shorter for me. I have been down and out because of other commitments and not feeling well. shame that I couldn’t complete it another year. but on the other note i loved the short workouts.

just have to wait to see what they do next year.

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This year’s ZA hasn’t left much of an impression on me. It was not memorable in any sense, for me it was relatively easy to squeeze the 8 rides in my schedule and also the workouts were relatively easy, at least compared with other years. ZA2022 fits perfectly with the way Zwift feels for me these days: nothing really new and interesting is happening in game. It kinda feels like fastfood, it fills a craving, but it doesn’t feel as satisfying anymore. ZA could be much more though, because the baseline and finish lines rides with the three different segment “tests” and the accompanying phenotypes are a great addition! They could help us become better riders by focusing on our strenghts and weaknesses and become better sprinters, pursuiters or time trialists (or all-rounders) with a good follow-up. When implemented the right way, that would be a very interesting path ahead for me and probably many other riders. The current (botched) phenotype email doesn’t help that at all. It should not only be filled with the correct numbers (I had the exact same numbers for base line and finish line, including the exact same percentiles), but also more background in what these numbers and phenotypes mean. Would be great if they lead to proper recommendations of future training (plans) in-game but also what fitness level you currently are and what you could achieve.


I promote this program every year, including doing video series consistently over the last three years. I have always had the excitement to push this program and get more people involved. I find myself disappointed this year, and it seems there is consensus on this. I cover my thoughts in my latest video here: FAILED ACADEMY? Zwift Bashing or Fair Criticism? - YouTube

I post this not as a shameless plug to get people to watch, but rather to take a look at the comments. There are SO many thoughtful comments from many people in the community, with varying levels of experience that are overwhelmingly sending the same message… they hoped for better…

My personal opinion is that it is time to go back to the drawing board here… Rebuild this academy as the flagship event it used to be, execute the basics brilliantly, and make the quality apparent across the board.


Sarah - I loved each of your videos as a critique of the workouts. I felt much more prepared for them as a result. I’m very new to the workout options in Zwift so felt the Academy was at the right level for me. However, I can see how more experienced riders could be disappointed. It would be great if Zwift would take your comments on-board. I can foresee a two-level option next time, with something for the newbies like me and something for the more hardcore element.

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Let’s face it, the Zwift Academy can never satisfy both new riders and elite riders with one plan.
New riders want…

  • group rides and group workouts (without too much pain)
    They do not have the fitness to do a full FTP test or intense hour workouts.
    They want entry level races.

Advanced riders want…

  • Challenging workouts based on a real ftp.
    Races for a gc or point system.
    No group rides
    Competitive system (segment challenges)

In the past, I’ve gone back to do workouts from previous years. There are some extremely difficult ones. I’m glad they are still available. This year’s ZA was mostly for beginners with the exception of the pro workouts. The length of the program was too short. The e-mail system was a disaster. Let’s hope they can resolve these issues.

4 weeks was impossible for me. I have a demanding full-time job and when an event starts mid-week I have to scramble to catch up on weekends. That really defeats the purpose of the academy. You shouldn’t be packing intense workouts over two days. Where’s the recovery? Without recovery between workouts, without social rides to strengthen your max workout efforts, the end results are quite meaningless.
I love and look forward to ZA every year. It gives me something to push myself for. But this year just didn’t do it for me and I’m disappointed :disappointed:


I wasn’t expecting a third email from ZA but it arrived yesterday. This is the one with the delta figures, in my case showing % improvements in all three segments. I’ve not seen anyone else mention this third email.

Got mine today, too. I guess it would’ve been handy if I was arithmetically-challenged. :man_shrugging:t2::grin::man_shrugging:t2:

I think you have to work part time for a bike shop, be 19 to 23 years old, do part time university, already have 350-400w FTP and be built like a stick insect. :wink: I knew one of the previous top 10 riders, and he was basically like that.

I’ve never done ZA because I’m in your category that i just don’t have time to do everything in such a short space of time. And then crashing in March put everything out the window.

It can end in overtraining and people getting injured or burning out. Reminds me of a certain training book by a certain well known coach aimed at people without a lot of time. For some it’s too much.

The better results I’ve had guiding people have been with longer time periods, some hard workouts but also easier ones (which were very easy). People went from being extremely doubtful about their ability in big events to being able to ride them without drama.

The virtual jersey is pretty meaningless, what matters is how you do on the bike and if you’ve improved your fitness.

Just received email, well done Zwift.

“Thanks for participating in Zwift Academy Road! We would love to learn more about you and your experiences during Zwift Academy Road.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and is used to help make Zwift better.”

Would have liked a ‘What could we have done better / do you have any comments or suggestions’ section but overall think they have asked the right questions.

Hope for better next year but will do again.

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I totally agree with you Sarah. And thanks for your videos, they were very helpful. I hope that Zwift take notes on your opinion!

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Newbie here to ZA. This was my first time and I completed it, but NEVER GOT EITHER EMAIL. I had some glitches, as in I was never able to do the long version of one of the rides because it just wouldn’t let me (but it would let me do the short version) I forget which one, either 2 or 4. For me it was a good introduction to workouts because I never did them before on a consistent basis. Reading the above comments, I hope they go back to the longer time frame so we can get it done around travel schedules.

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First time completing an academy for me too. Enjoyed the challenges of workouts, but missed the Finish ride due to timings, and can’t complete the academy. Worked out the route and rode it my self and compared my timings but not the same- certainly not the same bike.

Would love to see a control ride as a feature in Workouts. It could act as baseline and finish for self directed workouts and schedules.

By the sounds of it previous year’s have been better, I look forward to next year’s.

Hello everybody :slight_smile:
I just wanted information about the results of Zwift Academy Pro Contract, if anyone knows when they give them.
Can I also know what the Facebook page for the ZA event ? :grinning:
Thank you in advance

Finalists to be announced on Thursday I believe (might be Friday in some time zones). They’ve already been informed.

Ok thank you :blush:

I hope they got the mail :grin:

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