ZRL Contract

Does Zwift have a long-term contract with WTRL?

There seems to be many more, volunteer led organisations who run better organised series, DIRT Racing Series, for instance, which are set up to run ZRL than WTRL. I’m sure it’s a very tough job, however they just don’t seem to have either the know-how nor technical capabilities to take forward Zwift’s flagship racing programme.


Not something Zwift would ever divulge, anything that delves deeper into working practices will never be acknowledged

The distain and arrogance with which reasonable questions about the race format on Facebook are given by WTRL is atrocious. They act as though people are panning them, when quite the opposite is the case. Not one comment directly critical of them, just pointing out that their own website says both that segments will be in play and that they won’t be.

Careful or you’ll get maintenanced.