Works on the world's smallest Android phone :-)

Curiosity got the better of me so I thought I’d try and zwift works on the world’s smallest full Android 4g smartphone

I’ll be honest the graphics werenew exactly silky smooth!! But graidents changed resistance quite nicely!

Probably won’t be my go to zwift device but 2.45 inch zwifting made me smile none the less!

You should have taken some pics, Chris! Must have looked awesome :wink:

I do have a pic but not sure how to upload here?


Does this work?

Hi Chris.

Love the idea of it working on the worlds smallest Android phone.   Do you blog?   Would love to see/read a few review/breakdown of the why, how, ifs etc.

ery cheap I don’t blog, but I have tried zwift on many devices! Pretty decent windows 10 tablet with 8gb ram etc, reasonable desktop, very cheap (kinda dodgy Chinese import!) windows tablet, android phone, cheap Chinese android phone, android tablet and of course the tiny phone!

Using tacx neo and tacx flux a combination of Bluetooth directly using android, ant+ using windows, Bluetooth on windows via the mobile link.

I have done over 20,000 zwift miles in all! So i’m keen to help develop it as I am very much bought into the whole thing.

Maybe I should write down my thoughts/reviews on my experiences!

That is sooooo cute.  Have to say, I love it

Woah that’s awesome! Taking pocket Zwift to a whole new level haha