workout mode - table of contents

Is there an option for me to view the workouts without opening the game and linking up my ant+? I want to view the workouts in advance and peruse my options. If I open the game without my ant+ dongle present, it only allows me to spectate a rider. Do you have a list of the workouts somewhere to see?

Tried day 1 of the 12 week FTP builder tonight. Heart rate and power profiles scrolling along the bottom don’t seem to provide much information other than showing past spikes. I’ll keep plugging away at the FTP builder and provide any feedback if necessary.  But I want to read the workouts beforehand; give me homework! 

Yes, I agree.

Agree.  Also would be nice to review a workout.  TR does these two things very well. It seems like this would be something basic and easy to implement, but perhaps it is difficult?

I agree.


I agree.  The link is nice but the power is set for 100w.  It would be nice to see my personal zones.  

If this was built into the app it would be amazing.  Say I am out to lunch and deciding if I need that extra slice of pizza.  Will if effect my workout? Will i burn enough? Open the app and see.  And then say yes, I need that slice.