Volume Control

I may be missing it in the Mac client, but it would be great to be able to turn up/down the game volume separately from the system volume.

Yes, this is very much needed on the Mac side. On the PC you can use the sound mixer to control the volume of apps independently of one another. There is no such thing on a Mac…one of the few places a PC excels over a Mac!

Until a volume control is added, try use Airfoil to hijack sound from other sources (Airfoil won’t capture sound from Zwift app). You can amplify the signal in Airfoil using the equalizer and turning up the gain, which effectively turns down the signal from the game.

If you’re on the Mac you can effectively “mute” Zwift by killing coreaudiod from the mac Activity Monitor. This will reboot the sound drivers, letting you watch Netflix/Skype/etc without the Zwift audio. To get Zwift sound back you just need to restart it then.

i know it’s in the works, but i just wanted to second (or third or whatever) this.

I tried killing the coreaudioid and it just restarts itself…so not a solution for me on OSX 10.9.5.

You have to kill the coreaudiod proc after Zwift launches. OSX will auto-restart it, but if you kill it after you launch Zwift you can then still listen to music and such.

That’s what I did, launched Zwift, killed coreauidoid…but when OSX restarted the process it also started playing the Zwift music again.

Yeah, just double checked it…I launch Zwift, open Activity Monitor, quit coreaudioid, Zwift audio stops, coreaudioid relaunches, Zwift Audio restarts…

So is there a solution for the Mac or any update to try?
