Potential bug; I’ve encountered this twice now. Directions are essentially frozen after completing the new course based workouts within the Challenges. The normal (ERG) workouts seem unaffected.
First time:
Endurance Challenge - Itza Climb Finish. Upon completing the workout, I was unable to change directions at intersections or make a UTurn. This was both from the companion app and directly through the game interface in Windows. Direction icons were shown as normal, but selecting them did nothing. The game forced me up the second half of The Grade, then forced me left towards Epic KOM. Fortunately it didn’t send me up the Radio Tower, but it again forced me on a path towards the Italian Vila. Stopped at this point after completing the downhills.
Second time:
Sprinting Challenge - Neokyo All-Nighter. Same thing; upon completion of the workout, I was forced to continue along the original loop; no other directions or UTurn could be chosen on either the companion app or directly in game even though direction icons did show at the appropriate times.
For reference:
PC Win11 Home
Game Version: 1.81.2(138664)
Launcher Version: 1.1.12
Zwift Companion App on Android
Version 3.65.0(1949)
Server Version 1.390.0
Thanks for reading.