Three Ant+ Sticks

Just for fun I ran three Ant+ sticks at the same time plus recorded with my Garmin. So I had Zwift, TourDeGiro, and TrainerRoad with a Sufferfest video all running at the same time.

Zwift seems a bit “squished”. Not sure the proper name for that but it seems like it could use some work in that aspect. It’s also interesting to compare Zwift graphics to Tour de Giro graphics. Don’t think it would be easy to focus on all 3 games at the same time, but it’s pretty neat that it’s possible.


If I had reduced the height of Zwift it would have fixed the scaling so it didn’t look squished . . . . but then I would have had unused screen space and I couldn’t have that.

Another thing I found interesting is if you compare the grade percent between TDG and Zwift as well as the power and then look at the calculated speed they match up pretty good.

True, but most games won’t appear this way even if you change the window size. The UI doesn’t seem too bad, but usually the game would just show more sky so that all the graphics appear to be the right aspect ratio.