Switching worlds with Apple TV?

I know there are hacks to ride in a different world vs the offerings upon lunch when running a PC. Anyone know how to ride in an unlisted world if running on Apple TV?

if a friend is on a PC riding an “unlisted” world can you join them via Apple TV?



As far as I know, there is no world hack for the AppleTV. If I want to ride a different world than that of the scheduled one, I use my laptop.

As for your friend situation, that’s an interesting question. It should take you and your friend about 1min to test that scenario.

I did this test… I tried to ride with a friend who was in a different “world” that I couldn’t access from the more limited ATV routes. No luck. Just got dumped into an available course with no sign of friend I selected to ride with.

I think that you can world hack on IOS by altering the system date to match the course you want to ride on the Zwift calendar. Pretty sure this works on iPad. Will prob work on Apple TV then.
It will cause minor chaos to your Strava feed, as the ride will be back-dated according to the IOS settings.

Unfortunately, you cannot change the date on an Apple TV manually so there is no way to trick the Zwift calendar.

Not sure the time/date are user settable for Apple TV. I don;t recall any setup info…so I assume it get the info from the internet…

Maybe there is another workaround (but I know it in theory only … haven’t tested it yet) … find some group activity which is organized in a different world then the current/calendar one is (it’s possible and sometimes happen) … join it and just stop to follow this activity … you should stay in that “unofficial” world … but again - I may be wrong … never tested it.

Please, anybody, correct me if you have more info …

BTW I believe switching world (or two worlds option, more exactly) is coming soon …

World hack Apple TV, create a meet up with someone you know, choose which ever world and route you want then.