Sterzo-More trouble than it’s worth?

Starting two updates ago, the Sterzo has been nothing short of a PITA. It will connect, then work for a while, then stop working almost always when you reach the left or right edge of the road and you are stuck there. Only way to reconnect is to completely exit everything and play the whack-a-mole game getting everything reconnected. Since the last update though, it remains connected for less than a minute, then drops out. Batteries are fine and it worked w/o issue up until 2 updates ago.

Common Zwift. Adding roads is nice, but honestly solving everyone’s pain points by fixing bugs is FAR more important.

Same for me. In the last few months Zwift has been able to use my Sterzo about 2-3 times. Which works out to about a 1-2% success rate or about a 97-98% failure rate.