Spinning out during sprints

I’ve searched this problem and did not find a real solution. A lot of people were not really spinning out not even hitting 100 rpm. So I’ve been doing the base camp and 4 week sprint work out on zwift and with workouts that disable the erg mode I end up spinning out hitting and maintaining 141 RPM for the duration of the sprint and need more gear. My wattage will quickly peak 900+ as high as 980 but then just plummet enven though I’m maintaining the gearing and rpm for the remaining 3/4 of the sprint. my gears are 50/11 and I’m using a elite direto XR-t.

What happens when you set trainer difficulty to 100%

You’re hitting 141 cadence in your 50/11 gear combo? For reference, IRL on a flat road you’d be hitting about 60mph/82kph.

I think there might be some bad readings playing a role here.

I haven’t tried it. From reasearching threads it appears like changing the trainer difficulty to 100% only effects climbing or gradient. It has no effect on flat sprints. I did not see any posts where adjusting the training difficulty solved the issue. I might try it as a last ditch effort though.

I’m using a separate cadence sensor as The Elite trainer cadence was not very accurate. I can assure you my cadence was close to 140. I have and can ride comfortable at 110rpm. 120rpm I gets moderately difficult to co-ordinate for me. I can assure you I was spinning in excess of 120rpm, which is why I’m really frustrated with the way the zwift app or trainer is performing. Is there a way I can link the ride data to the thread for anyone to look at?

If you’re doing a workout and not in ERG mode then you’re in slope mode and you can increase/decrease the slope for more/less resistance. I don’t know if it works though for workouts that disengage ERG mode only for certain intervals, but it does have you tried cranking it up higher?

So I read some where that you must select the fe-c named device when doing a non erg enabled workout. For example my choices are elite-4617 or elite fe-c 4617. This seemed to work i rode the same work out and it was noticeably harder. And i only could barely hit 120 rpm and wasn’t even in my 11 tooth and wasn’t whishing for more gearing. Hope this solution helps someone else