Show us your zwift setup!

I added 2 strips of 144 AdaFruit Neopixels to the treadmill and timed them to flash at my current powerZone Color. E.G. at 103% 10K pace, they blink orange. At 75% 10K pace, they blink blue. The cadence is adjustable, but for me, I’m shooting for 175-180 per minute.
I am doing this because I realize that, when I’m tired, I over-stride and when I over-stride, I run goofy and when I run goofy, I hurt myself. Especially as I get stronger and faster.

Here’s the video on youtube

This will either give me seizures or be an effective training tool.

Something else (that probably works much better for cadence control) is the metronome by google. The tick meshes well with the thud of my shoe, and is adjustable to any cadence you choose.