Sauce for Zwift: Draft Figures

Just to clarify, that is the draft benefit to wind resistance, not the difference in power you would need to produce correct? Otherwise if someone on the front is doing 500W you would only need to do 5% of that, or 25W on the back which does not make sense.

Edit: I mean this focuses on wind resistance, not the whole picture.

I find your presentation perfect so I subscribed to Sauce
I would like to do the same but I canā€™t find a way to make this beautiful left column. Is there a tutorial to help me? How do I already put needles on the gauge and not the Sauce bottles? Thanks for the help even if itā€™s off topic

The easy way to understand Draft in Sauce is

  • Draft is always the same at the same speed
  • Minimum Watts to stay in draft + Draft Saving is Watts you need to do on your own for that speed on completely FLAT Road

Meaning if you are looking at the draft going downhill itā€™s showing you how much power you would need to do on Flat road for that speed :smiley:

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Xavier, I was sent a link to your comment when I solved exactly this request. Hereā€™s a video of it working:

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Yeah, the draft percentage makes a lot more sense than the vague watt savings. Iā€™d assume the percentage stays consistent regardless of gradient, which is what makes watt-based draft savings pretty useless.

I think youā€™re actually right, but thatā€™s the issueā€”it works both ways (actually it doesnā€™t :). On a downhill, it overestimates watt savings, but even on a slight uphill, it underestimates. A draft percentage would be a much better approach.