Run Animation

Would it be possible to adjust the rate at which the avatar moves? I am a new runner and was coughing my guts out at just over 6.4 kmh and the poor me looked like I was leisurely strolling.

A faster arm swing and legs motion would do wonders for my motivation!

If it helps, avatars start to run at 6.8 kph. You might want to check your pace calibration in case you are being short changed.

If you are using a curved, manual treadmill, as I do, the effort will undoubtedly be harder than on a more conventional motorised treadmill. I spent (and sometime still do spend) a lot of time with a walking avatar. I’ve come to accept it. I get quite excited when my avatar actually breaks into a run. Consider it something to aspire to. :slightly_smiling_face:

Its a rather old electric treadmill. I calibrated the runpod but it does it track at a much lower speed than the treadmill speed. Of course I don’t know if the treadmill speed is that accurate either.

I guess I will need to get used to watching my poor slow avatar! Would be nice to be able to adjust it though. I need all the motivation I can get!

I don’t know if your speed is being reported correctly but @Run.10K.Every.Day might have some suggestions.

Your proposal to make the avatar’s run animation more tunable seems reasonable to me. The avatar’s movement should look like your movement. You should feel like the avatar represents what you are doing.


Are you saying that after calibrating your run pod it’s still not matching the treadmill speed?

It’s always best to calibrate the initial speed to that which you’ll spend most time running at.
So for you 6.4km/h.
The pod isn’t great at recognising changes in pace so the more you move away from 6.4 the less accurate it’ll be.

Also you’ll experience a fair amount of bouncing of the pace up and down. The better quality of treadmill the less this is but you’ll see your pace flicking around constantly. That’s quite normal.

The avatar movements i find quite reflective of the pace.
But don’t worry, the more you practice the better you’ll get and that slogging your guts out at 6.4 will soon become a leisurely jog. Then in a few months you’ll be wondering why you ever struggled at that pace as you cruise along at 8km/h without a care in the world. And so on.

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I’ve voted this one up. I reckon the current 6.8kph is too high. 5.0 would probably be a better cut-off.

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I am going to recalibrate the runpod again. For one of the settings, my treadmill wouldn’t increment to that value so I’ll adjust to my current good pace and try the calibration process again.

I recalibrated the runpod and it now closely matches the treadmill speed.

As a bonus, it was fun watching the virtual me swinging arms as I hit 6.8mph! Guess thats a good motivation to push for a faster pace.

Thanks for everyones help.


Great news.

Within a few weeks with improvement you’ll never see that avatar walking again. :grinning:

Now thats what I call motivation talk!

I’m doing the couch to 5K. So I do hope to improve once I stick with it.

Did my second run on Zwift yesterday and enjoyed the distraction. Wasn’t fun getting regularly overtaken tho lol!

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