Remove Coffee Stop Function

Who here remembers the bug with Coffee Stop riders reaching land speed records and then Mach 1?


This was the cheap bandaid fix; limit the speed a Coffee Breaker can go.
Which, the downside to that of course is, if you use CB on a descent, you’ll get dropped.

We have to inform everyone on our 100+ k rides to use their breaks on the climbs or after descents every single time we have a descent that even lasts 1 minute.

I don’t know what the speed limit of the break is, but it’s probably in the realm of 60-70kph if I had to take a guess.

Point is, if you have CB enabled on a group ride, and go into a quick descent (especially something like The Grade), there’s a 100% chance of being dropped.

So for those unaware, the more you know! :rainbow:

This, So much this. Give us an option to turn off all the icons. They clutter the screen, make it impossible top see a break away sometimes, and look more suited for 5 year olds.


Actually, would be helpful to have the coffee stop icon against the right hand side rider list, which is more helpful than seeing it above an anonymous avatar.


I second this…

In my top 5 of wishes for Zwift is being able to turn-off the rider name tags floating above avatar heads.


Powerups also there please while you are at it :wink:

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I happen to hate tea drinkers. I think they are the ones complaining.

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