Please no politics

This morning I joined stage 4 of TDZ and even before we started, other zwifters were making political remarks in the bullpen. This continued through the first 10 minutes and upset me so much I quit the event. PLEASE - zwift is our fun place - don’t ruin it for others. Thank you & ride on!

When that happens to me I go into settings and turn off the group chat. I prefer radio silence to quitting a ride I want to do. A fun side-effect of that setting is I can say whatever I want in the chat but never see a reply.


Theres also riders with political slogans as names and on Zwiftpower riders are adding political comment to their bios, activist types have never improved a single hobbies forum in the history of the internet but they have destroyed a few.


Political statements in bios have been around for years and not just since the recent USA elections. Same with the “I stand with whatever country”.

Also the advertising in user names needs to stop. Folks advertising their physio business, training company, cycling travel business or PB whatever else is getting out of hand.

Solution would be for everyone to get two initials and random numbers.

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This would negativity impact TTT’s and team racing. We need to be able to change our names to whatever we want (with obvious restrictions on offensive/explicit content).

I’ve seen you mention the advertisements in names multiple times. I generally see people advertising their youtube channel from time to time, but in no way is it more obvious or instrusive as any other name with a team or sponsor in it. I don’t find this difficult to ignore, but it also doesn’t bother me at all.

Chat can be turned off if you want, and hiding the hud gets rid of other peoples name tags, right?. So if it really bothers you there are already options.

We will never be able to stop people from discussing politics, and I agree it is in poor taste. I was always told to never discuss religion or politics in public. I don’t think censorship is the answer.


If you hide the hud, then how do you see information you might want to see?

That’s as much as a solution as someone telling people to increase their weight to ride with a robopacer.

I ignore all that stuff - but it’s there and there is always the risk that it detracts from the whole experience.

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Companion app has some of the information.
Gradient is most notably lacking, though.