Pace Partners graduate to Robo Pacers [October 2022]

Can we continue to call them pace partners please?


I can confirm that the pace partner schedule that is currently active is this published spreadsheet, but working backwards - at least for Watopia. Matches what I have in my activities over the last few weeks

I would greatly appreciate that too.

I don’t mind Robo Pacers as a name. There are plenty of warm and endearing robots my generation grew up with, so ‘robo’ doesn’t sound cold to me.

I’m sure a Robo Pacers calendar would help for those who wish to identify where they would like to ride before signing into the Zwift game.

I am certainly no designer but thought I would offer an interactive example which Zwift might wish to re-vamp, improve and include something similar on their Robo Pacers FAQ webpage.

Example below is clearly a screenshot but the workings behind it automatically updates This Week and Next Week routes and allows anyone to interact with it to identify routes an any date of their choosing.

EDITED on 14th Nov 2022 - WILLIAM this is the last time I’m posting a weekly update. If you want the spreadsheet send me a private message.

@James_Zwift once set up by your web designers something similar would take no further input by Zwift staff.


They can’t be robots, because robots aren’t allowed to inflict suffering.


ED-209 has a thing or two to say about that…

I do prefer the name pace partner

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Has anything been done about this; do we have a proper, easily accessible, PP ride calendar anywhere?

I’ve just worked a 60 hour week going through daylight savings “joy”.

I’ll look at this but it’ll be a few weeks and isn’t high (or medium) priority.

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Thanks James. Wouldn’t be such a pain if my set-up wasn’t in the garage and I could just fire it up to see who’s where. I try to plan my rides a week ahead if I can. First world problem :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Maybe @Jesper_ZwiftHacks can add something to his website? Like what @Ian_Attoe posted above on an automated rotation?

Watopia 2022 Robopacers Schedule:


Not sure who did this originally?

Just wondering if it would be quick and easy to provide an updated version in this exact same format but with dates instead of the letter headers?

Would be nice to have it stickied somewhere? Can’t believe the number of times I’ve re-visited this post to see who’s riding where.

I think the rotation in the picture is not correct.

Which picture?
The one directly above your rotation picture or the one 8 posts further up the page, which I updated this morning and believe matches your rotation for this week - 7th Nov.

I will look at this later today and re-post for you. I’m just pleased someone is finding it useful.

Great, thanks Ian!

I guess I’ve just got used to that (your) format. I’m sure there a lots of alternative versions and formats, but old dogs and new tricks etc. :wink: :smile:

Ian, the one, 8 post further up is correct.
The one with the A, B, C … weeks is not correct.
edit: I see, you are working from I to A, and not from A to I.
A bit strange, but now I understand it

The jumps in power from Jacques to Genie, and from Genie to Constance are, IMHO, too big.

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