Pace Partner Dynamic Pace Testing [March 2022]

Oooooo @James_Zwift throwing shade at Wahoo :rofl: :rofl:

Not at all - I’ve used RGT before and there seemed to be a lot of bots. Which when the fields were a bit smaller (as you would expect from a young platform) was nice to be able to have someone/thing to pace with.

I haven’t tried it…I’m a Zwift loyalist :100:

Just coming back to this. I turned off dynamic pace messaging yesterday (this will be applied when she starts a new route on Sunday)


Leave the bot at a steady pace and expand the drops multiplayer range. Who cares if people yoyo? Change C to ride at a steady 2.7 and add a bot to ride steady at 2.3. In the draft it will be close to 2.4 and 2.0.

Add a toggle in the companion app to turn the draft effects off for those people who want to ride at the same watts as the bot if that’s what they prefer.

If you want to have 1 large group you could have different bikes that only work with pace partners. Those bikes would be weighted differently to give the rider the effects they’re looking for.

I’ve been watching Coco meticulously on Wandering Flats and can see every lap that the field stretches as almost everyone in her group goes in front.

If I turned dynamic pacing on, that wouldn’t happen.

I think I’m pretty comfortable with 10% extra being right on short uphills, but think 20% is needed on downs.


Did a little ride with Cadence yesterday and it was more fun than before but still a little bit slow for me, but at 44kg the gap is too big with brevet and his 80Kg and his 265W can we have a litghter B bot for women who are light ? I want to ride with a pace partner but i don’t want to race ! Thanks

We’re unlikely to put on a Pace Partner for a small demographic (ie. women that weigh under 50kg and use a pace partner) but we will look to add additional paces in the future.

That’s great to hear !

I rode with Coco on Wandering Flats for 45 minutes yesterday on rollers (effectively TD 0%). First of all, PPs in Neokyo is dopesauce :grin:. Makuri wasn’t in rotation so it was pretty much just people riding with the bots, and the game ran fine (or at least, as well as it usually does) on my potato PC. It’ll be interesting to see how it performs when Makuri is on the calendar.

There were maybe 20 to 40 people in the group. My average power for the whole ride was spot on 165w. Going up the hill took 6:10, average power 177w. I usually walk away from her on climbs and the field did get a bit strung out, but it was easier to stay with her since I had no increase in resistance. It felt like I had to ride harder going back downhill but the data says it took 4:08 at 160w :man_shrugging:.

So even without dynamic pacing, we managed a ~7% increase uphill, and a ~3% decrease downhill (which somehow felt like an increase).

I agree, the pace boys should all be the same weight.
It would make it easier to graduate to the faster bot.

That said, my saving grace with brevit on Sand and Sequoias is to power ahead on the up hill and jump in the draft for the downhill and flat then repeat.

I also appear to be the only person in Watopia that LIKES Sand and Sequoias.

I like sand and sequoias, just would personally rather not have a lot of pace changes when using a pace partner :slight_smile:

Don’t agree with him, we’ll never hear the end of it :rofl:

But yeah, agreed. Expect to see changes there.

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I like riding there solo, in an event, or in a meet-up with friends. Just not with CC. :smiley:

This illustrates a good but (for me) unexpected consequence of the pace boys.
Different people use them differently.
I use pace bots for harder rides.
The C Bot is my 1 hour threshold / sweet spot workout and the B bot is my on demand practice race without crazy attacks unless I do it.
Either bot, I get ahead but rest and let them catch up until I eventually get dropped.
Since my trainer is non controlled (TD is 0) I could do the same work out on any course but Tempus is boring.
I like the hills and the increase in effort by the group.

I have just spotted this trial and I’m excited to try it as I do quite enjoy the PP rides (and I’m trying to get extra drops at the moment). I think a lot of the frustration is that D is a bit too heavy and C is a bit too light compared to a lot of zwifters but it’s too late to swap their weights.

I find the relatively small size of the bonus drops bubble frustrating as a short lapse of concentration can easily throw me out of either pack and struggling to figure out how to get back to it.

I’d like to see pp routes available with more elevation even at the lower categories as metres and drops are my focus over miles and xp at the moment.

I tried a “keep together” group workout recently and that was a better experience overall but could have been perfect if it had been tailored to the route a little better (eg sprint efforts in the sprint sector, toughest efforts in the KOM*). Was certainly more forgiving if you had to pause for some real world reason. Wondering if any steady-state keep-together late-join group workouts had been compared to the PP experience as perhaps this is a more social and autonomous way to achieve these goals?

  • If you like the sound of that why not whack a ride leader bot in there too? Do I get credit for what could be an easy to implement and test feature with actual real world parallels?

Did dynamic pace get rolled out silently to B. Brevet? I’ve only ridden with him 2 or 3 times before so don’t have much to compare to. Rode with him a couple days ago on Out and Back Again for about 30 minutes (joined at top of Volcano) and got these averages:

Volcano descent: 208w
Zwift KOM: 231w
Fuego Flats: 198w

I’m 72 kg, was riding a CAAD 12 with the level 45 Zipp disc, and was on rollers (TD 0). I would’ve thought I’d have trouble keeping up with him on flats and descents and walk away from him on hills, but the opposite happened. Diesel weighs the same as Brevet and his behavior is also opposite to this (comes to a dead stop on climbs and goes hard downhill).

I enjoyed the ride a lot, but can’t make sense of why it went the way it did. Especially the slower pace on the flats.

No, only Coco.

No :rofl:

Some news on Pace Partners coming this week.

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