New Zwift Home Screen Update [January 2022]

I’ve been complaining about this for years, such basic info missing! The new tab that opens in the game should look exactly the same as how the companion app looks and functions. Forget about the website, it should be abandoned.


Such a missed opportunity if this isn’t included!

This has to be considered key information … “What course am I riding?” … I’m not going to sign up ‘blind’, its crazy having to then go over to companion app to check what route the event is being held on!


I believe in this case the courses per category are listed in the “Event Description” correct? It would be better if it were like the companion app, letting you see the course in each block of course.

I also think the flow for doing a workout on a specific course is a bit too clunky (from a previous comment), I always want to choose a specific course for my workout - either I want elevation, or I want to go on a new course for a route badge, or I want km, I wouldn’t ever want the flow they default to where choosing a workout selects the course for you. So for my usage they prioritized the lower use case flow for me.


Yes, that’s a big missing feature. The course for the even should be shown otherwise we have to join event then see it is on a terrible course and leave (which I do when AHDR is riding Makuri Islands).


I have to say that being forced to select the route and THEN select the workout is a bit backwards, in my opinion. Half the time, I don’t have a particular workout in mind when I log in, so I just scroll through the workouts folder, pick something that looks interesting, and then choose a route that fits the workout. So what happens now? Do I have to start the game, pick a workout, go back out of the game, choose another route, then go back into the game and start the workout again? This seems really clunky to me. We should be able to choose both the route and the workout before entering the game.


I agree it is not that easy anymore.

But when you are just riding press E to get to the workout menu.

But that doesn’t work so well if you’re using an iPad, even if the iPad has a keyboard for whatever reason… Seems like they should just enable those keyboard shortcuts on iPad.

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The new Home screen is not on iPad.

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Right, but when it does come to the iPad this will be an issue…

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I’m not sure I understand why people are concerned about the route during a workout.
The hills and descents have no affect on the effort required.
If you need elevation for a climb challenge, pick a hilly route.
In fact, a workout while going up a mountain is the fastest way to earn XP.
In general, the route has no effect on the workout.

It is simply because someone moved the cheese. Now you will have to choose the route you want, click ride, then enter the workout menu. Change is hard.


Well, for instance right now I do my workouts on the Alpe if they are around an hour to an hour and 30 mins long (then I complete the alpe after) - working towards the Tron, and the 25 climbs achievement. Other times I work on route badges - so I pick a route for which I don’t have the badge yet. Those are two examples for me specifically, but if there’s a route you like you should be able to choose it for the workout without a convoluted flow in my opinion.

I will also probably pick the Alpe after I’m done with the 25 achievement because it’s easy XP for the 250 at the top plus the descent after the workout is over.


Aaron, I chose my routes just like you do.
But the route does not have any effect on the workout and vice vera.
The route choice is based upon non workout issues.
I makes no difference which is selected first.

Again, if riding up the Alp, doing so in a workout gives the most XP for the time spent.
You can make your own easy workout and cruise up the alp (like 1-1.5 w/kg) and get max points (10 points per minute) riding up in a custom Free ride workout give less points but still more than you get with the mileage.
The alp is something like 7 mi so 210 XP but if you do an hour workout you get 600 points.
Plus the badge that must not be named (25 trips = masochist )
Plus some points from the wheel and 210 free points on the way down (end the workout before descending)

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A huge thank you for the excitement and feedback on the Home Screen UI! We want to address a couple common themes we’re seeing:

  • Platforms - This UI design accounts for usage across platforms, including the differences in mouse-driven computers, touch screen devices, and Apple TV (ATV) Remotes. Ease of use on all platforms is a major design consideration.

  • This UI is a work in progress and our rollout is an iterative process. Screens that have not yet been redesigned will be over time. And some of the flows showcased in the Quick Start video previews will evolve to be more user friendly. While we may not respond to every comment, we are reviewing and adjusting, which is one of the reasons why the rollout is more controlled.

Thank you again for all your notes and comments - we appreciate every one. We are looking for feedback and comments to make the experience awesome throughout the entire process.


I rode today and actually took time to note if there was anything that really bothered me about the current screen.
You can select between the 3 worlds, I like the way the Routes are shown.
Now the lead in is clear and we have a route indicator in game and we can see our route badges.
We can end and start rides without exiting.
I used to spend time in the garage changing things but now I never do.
I use my Tron bike or my MTB in the Jungle and they are located next to each other in the garage.
Previously, I had to write down on a piece of paper, all my routes and that was a hassle but now that’s fixed.

I know change happens but I’m not sure the new screen will change a lot for me.
I think the old screen is finally doing what we have asked for for years and it’s good.
I think there is room at the top for 9 worlds to chose from???


Yet to get my hands on it but I dont have any real issues with current interface either but what I do like about all this is that they are putting a lot of this functionality on the server side which means they can sort problems out very quickly or even release new features super quick, and as we are seeing, to specific people, devices and platforms.

Saw it in past few days with the “fuzzy screen/settings menu issue” that popped up on PC’s. Fixed within hours - unheard of in Zwiftland. PD3 was rolled out for beta users for a short time a little while back, Clubs is the same. This is all very very good for all of us in the long run.

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+1 to being able to choose your course after choosing your workout as an option without having to futz around with loading a workout AFTER getting on course. I really like being able to pick them out together, then getting on the bike while Zwift is loading the world, and being ready to go without having to get back into reach of the laptop again – everything from there I can do from the Companion App.

It just seems backward to allow so much more from the main screen with the new UI but not allow something that’s easy right now.


What I did is I built a custom Zone 2 workout that is ALL interval blocks (even the warmup). That way it gets me 12 points per minute for my rest days up the Alpe. If you use single blocks you only get 10 per min. You can use intervals and keep the wattage the same for all interval sections if you don’t want to vary the interval wattage.

I still believe they can streamline the workout work flow as myself and other have mentioned, since it’s clear some people have a specific route in mind for whatever reason for their workout (Alpe for tron/XP, route badges, distance, aesthetics, etc.), so when there’s a big button to start a Workout on the main screen it would be reasonable to have the ability to easily select a route from that flow without having to first go into the game which is more clunky from what I can see. Select the “Workout” entry point->Pick Your Workout->Select Route (with a smart default for folks who don’t want to select a route)->Ride On. If the person doesn’t want to select a route and instead use the smart default they just hit “Ride On”, and go.


Looking forward to seeing this UI update. As someone who free-rides routes a lot, I’m liking the new Explore Routes tab with columns to sort (Name, Distance, Elevation, Effort, Duration).

Would love to see something like ‘Laps’ added, with a count of the number of times I’ve completed the route. Would let me see at a glance common favourites, or ride a less common route I haven’t in a while (maybe also a ‘last rode’ column with date?). Would help with monitoring longer-term goals like ‘ride every route 3 times’, and I’m sure people would like to see how many they can rack up on certain courses.

And ‘PR’! So much potential.


Is this new Home screen through a software update that’s been delivered to some users (eg. v 1.2x etc), or it’s on the hosted side?