New Type of Leaderboard

I think that it would be great if Zwift created a new type of leaderboard for segments and achievements. It can work for any segment, but here is an example of one for Fastest Male Lap of Watopia f/ Start/Finish. Zwift (or your partner like Strava) has the segment set. The first person who achieves the loop in a reasonable time has their name and time go up on the board PERMANENTLY. The next person who BEATS that time has their name go up second on the list and so on and so on. In this way you give permance to the boards. People know that when they do something special that it will forever be on Zwift’s WALL OF FAME. This is effectively what is done in the outside world with Everesting, tho that is not time based, it is first to succeed based. I think that people will be very keen to try to get their name up on segments such as FASTEST MALE TO A CENTURY. I do think that we will need to consider names be accepted on when a rider is certified as calibrated, but that is surmountable. Eventually, the leaderboards will have to be truncated in some way, but there is something to this permance and a Zwift Hall of Fame. IMO.