NEW FEATURE (LAP Button in the Companion)

Also most people do not go out of their way to request features. It’s Zwifts job to figure this out. I heard that Garmin has over a 50% use rate of the lab button.

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Bumping this. Please please please add a lap feature

Bump, I also want a lap button. Please add… It’s not a complicated feature.

Bump again, having a lap option would be super useful indeed.

It would be great to have a lap button or timer button for when you finish a route - like how the pros stop their computers as they cross the finish line - and want to continue to cool down without having to ‘end route’ and then restart another ride for a cool down ride.

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Bumping it up. Laps and displaying lap averages (power, heart rate…) seem like very easy yet very useful additions to Zwift.

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Yes! I’m looking to do a twenty minute effort tomorrow and without having this feature to be able to press a LAP button and see my current lap average power, I will have to dual record on a secondary device to see my average power. Would be a great feature to add into the companion app.

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Yes to lap button.

However until it arrives you could try the FTP test if that is easier than using a secondary device.

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So has it been 4 or 5 years now zwift? still no LAP BUTTON?

It’s actually closer to 10 years but I still dare to dream…

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Why can’t we have more “bike computer” functions on the ride screen?
I would trade in all 5,000,000 of my drops to have a lap button, average power and average HR displayed on the ride screen. I would pay $5 more a month if I could also customize these features and have a “lap power” and “lap HR” displayed, along with a log display of the laps.
Sauce add on does not work on an iPad, and it comes at a cost, whereas, this should be a simple feature to add within Zwift. I this gets elevated for consideration, perhaps priortize this functionality over “ride on bomb shock waves” that provide no benefit or funcionality to the user!


Bumping this. I, like many others, would really love to see the ‘lap’ metrics.

It seems like a very easy feature to implement. Only need the lap entry added to the training file before its uploaded, so its sync to ones training software. But it can also add a better UI experience by extending Lap heartrate/power ex.and get some of the data we use when on the rode. Personally I ride my long intervals until I press lap, so I can extend my intervals if I can. But right now, I cant do that with Zwift workouts.

With the updated HUD feature, now would be the perfect time to address this much long sought after feature request.

I used to be said that these functions would aid people in sandbagging for races so no, you couldn’t have those.

Now that you can also see average power, cadence, heart rate… the only thing missing is the “LAP” function. It is essential to be able to measure all the data in a time interval without necessarily planning a specific training. I would say that the time has come to implement this function on Zwift, please