Mayan Bridge Loop shows incorrect distances [May 2022] [1.25] [SOLVED]

Just ran the Mayan Bridge Loop and after 5.8km the counter (which comes on with under 100m to end of run) showed over 2600m to go.

Photo after I finished hopefully attached.

That is because it is actually more than 5.8 once you add the lead in…It messed me up too.

1 Like is super useful for seeing lead-in distance and climb. Here’s the direct link:

Mayan Bridge Loop

The lead-in is shown in brackets:

:straight_ruler: 5.3km (+5.7km)
:mountain: 48m (+9m)

Hi @Andy_Hay_TTC
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We investigated, and you’re right. We’re working on the fix.

For others following:
The listed distance required to complete the Mayan Bridge Loop is incorrect. The home screen wrongly displays a lead-in distance of 0.3 miles and total distance of 3.6 miles.

The correct total distance is 10.97 km / ~6.8 miles where roughly half of that is the lead-in.


Hey everyone - Zwift game version 1.25.2 fixes this issue. Please update at your earliest convenience.