Jens Voigt online now!

Shut up legs!

Well, that is awesome !!!

Awesome! He is in his complete Trek outfit and bike! Wonder which trainer/power meter he is using? I followed his ride in spectator mode for a while. He won the col d zwift kom. I also notice he coasted with 0 watts down some of the hills for up to maybe 5 seconds at a time. I cant do that on the computrainer.

Superb… but unfortunately I missed him.
I noticed Jens riding last night using the mobile app, plus he’d also posted a photo of himself on Facebook.
We’re now all waiting for him to come back online :slight_smile:

You can coast downhill at 0w if you are using a trainer that is not controlled by Zwift…

Zwift needs a blog post interview with Jens and Laurens. Also it would be really cool if there was a way to know if they are on line, they are both an ambassador and it would be interesting to see how many watts/kg they are pedalling.