ios app stops while main app is still going

Both of the last two rides I’ve done with zwift, the ios app has just stopped at some point. I don’t know quite when, because I don’t pay attention to it while I’m riding.

I presume I can dig out the crash report and send it somewhere if somebody wants it.

Hi Chris,

Yes, please do if you can. Submit a ticket via the link near your name up above. Does the app just quit in the middle of a ride? Or just stop getting information?

To be honest I’m not sure if it just quits or just stops getting info. At some point I happen to look at the screen and it’s back to Springboard rather than in the app.

I need to figure out how to get the diag file off the iphone.

Just found this link. You might want to add it to your FAQ…

I’ve been having the same issue on my 4S (I’ve submitted a ticket)

Quits mid ride