How do I downgrade my Zwift Racing Score?

Hi All

So, I recently got diagnosed with a minor heart issue that’s going to keep me from racing at the level I’m used to. I’m currently a Cat C rider (2.5 - 3.19 W/kg FTP), but I can no longer race with an average heart rate of 160 bpm…

That being said, I can still ride/race at around 70% of my FTP. This means I’d need to downgrade to Cat D to do that. Does anyone know if that’s possible?

You can’t downgrade until your performance history goes down and ages out after 90 days.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you shouldn’t be racing on Zwift if you are supposed to be controlling HR…



I wanted to add that the Zwift Race Score is going to be recalculated constantly based on the performance that you have in your race based on where you finished (podium? last place? somewhere in between?), as well as who you raced against (strength of field).

Your score can also change (increase) if you set a new power best. As it may decrease if a current power best ages out of that 90-day window and gets replaced by a lower numbers.

As it adjusts based on race results and 90-day power numbers, you should find yourself placed in groups that deliver a challenging yet enjoyable race experience.

I recommend you take a look at this article about the racing score on Zwift, this might help you to have a clear visualization of how the race results work.​

I hope this information helps to clarify.

That’s simply inaccurate isn’t it?

A users floor will drop in that scenario but their score will not.

And zwift hq were worried that users couldn’t understand vELO :rofl:


With your condition I would suggest not racing at all. Too much risk.

You can still do rides like Alpe du Zwift but at least you can keep things under control there and back off the pace if needed. Everyday I ride on ADZ and ride to a particular heart rate target, and that’s what would probably be the safest for you to do.

You’ll still get a workout but you can watch your heart rate and not be tempted by racing influences. Use the trainer difficulty if the gradients end up too steep.